
WERNER, ver'ner, JOHANNES: German Prot estant; b. at Ohrdruf (9 m. s. of Gotha) Sept. 30, 1864. He was educated at the universities of Hei delberg, Berlin, Jena (Ph.D., 1887), and Marburg (lie. theol., 1889); became privat-docent for church history and systematic theology at Marburg (1889), and professor of church history in 1894. Since 1900 he has resided in Leipsic as a private scholar. In theology he is "liberal." Besides being a collabora tor on the Theologische Rundsclcau since 1898 and on the Theologisclaer Jahresbericht since 1901, he has written Hegels 0ffenbarungsbegriff (Leipsic, 1887); Der Paulinismus des Irenceus (1889); Dogmenge schichtliche Tabellen (Gotha, 1893; 3d ed., 1903); and a new edition of K. von Hase's Hutterus Redi vivus (Leipsic, 1907). Since 1908 he has been one of the editors of Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegen wart.

WERNER, KARL: Roman Catholic; b. at Haf nerbach, Lower Austria, Mar. 8, 1821; d. at Vienna Apr. 4, 1888. He was a student at Melk, Krems, St. Poltens and at the priests' institute in Vienna, 1842-45, when he gained his doctorate from Vienna

University. He was professor of moral theology in the Episcopal Seminary at St. Polten, 1847-70, and of New-Testament theology in the University of Vienna, 1871-81; and was ministerial and consistorial councilor at Vienna, 1880-88. His works embrace System der christlichen Ethik (3 vols., Regensburg, 1852); Grundlinien der Philosorhie (1855); Der heilige Thomas von Aquino (3 vols., 1858-59) ; Franz Suarez und die Scholastik der letzten Jahrhunderte (2 vols., 1861); Geschichte der apologetischen and polemischen Literatur der christtichen Theologie (5 vols., Schafl'hausen, 1861-67); Gerbert von Auritlac (Vienna, 1878); Giambattista Yico als Philosoph and gelehrter Forseher (1879); Beda der Ehrwurdige (new ed., 1881); Die Scholastik des spdteren Mittelalters (7 vols., 1881-87); Die italienische Philosophie des XIX. Jahrhunderts (5 vols., 1884-86).

Bibliography: J. Kopallik, in Wiener Discesanblatt, 1897, pp. 145 sqq.; KL, xii. 1332-34.

WERNLE, varn'le, PAUL: Swiss Protestant; b. in Zurich May 1, 1872. He was educated at the universities of Göttingen, Berlin, and Basel (lie. theol., 1896); became p rivat-docent for exegesis at Basel (1896), associate professor (1901), and professor of modern church history (1905). He is an advocate of "free theological science and Christocentric religion," and has written Der Christ und die Sünde bei Paulus (Tübingen, 1897); Paulus als Heidenmissionar (1899); Die synoptische Frage (1899); Die Anfknge unserer Religion (1901; Eng. transl. by G. A. Bienemann, The Beginnings of Christianity, 2 vols., London, 1903-04); Die Reichsgotteshoffnung in der altesten christlichen Dokumenten und.bei Jesus (1903); Was haben wir heute an Paulus? (Basel, 1903); Die Renaissance des Christentums im sechzehnten Jahrhundert (Tübingen, 1904); Einführung in das theologische Studium (1908, 2d. ed.,1911), Johann Hinrich Wichern (Basel, 1908); and Renaissance and Reformation (1911).


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