
WERKMEISTER, vark'mai"ster, BENEDIKT MARIA VON (LEONHARD): German Roman Catholic reformer; b. at Fitsaen (57 m. s.w. of Munich) Oct. 22, 1745; d. at Steinbach (near Stuttgart) July 16, 1823. After preliminary education, by 1764 he had decided to become a monk, and that year entered upon his novitiate; but becoming interested in secular literature, especially in the works of Frederick the Great and Pope's Essay on. Man, doubts entered his mind. Nevertheless, his first inclination triumphed and in 1765 he entered the order, assuming the name of the prelate Benedikt Maria. He continued his studies in theology and canon law at Neresheim and Benediktbeuren; was ordained priest in 1769; became master of novices and instructor of philosophy at Neresheim in 1770; held a similar position at the episcopal lyceum of Freising, 1772-74; and then returned to Neresheim as secretary to the abbot, keeper of the archives, librarian, and master of novices. Two works belong to this period in which the reforming tendencies of Werkmeister find expression: Unmassgebücher Vorschlag zur Reformation des niederen katholischen Klerus nebst Materialien zur Reformation des hoheren (" Munich," 1782); and Ueber die christliche Toleranz (" Frankfort and Leipsic," 1784). Both works appeared anonymously through the mediation of Protestants.

In 1784 Werkmeister became court chaplain to Karl Eugen, count of Württemberg. The count was filled with enthusiasm for reform and his wishes coincided with those of his chaplain. Soon after Werkmeister's assumption of his office he issued a modified liturgy, Gesangbuch nebst angehartgtem offentliehem Gebete zum Gebraueh der herzoglicll wiirttemburgischen Hofkapelle (1784), the hymns in which were borrowed from Protestant sources. This passed through several editions. The Latin vesper service was next altered to resemble the Protestant afternoon service. Werkmeister introduced the use of German in prayers, readings from the New Testament, and sermons. Gradually he worked into use the German mass and communion service. Only


the canon missce was said in Latin. Werkmeister's reforms were generally approved, but they were subject to an attack in the Mainz Monatschrift von geistlichen Sachen (1786, pp. 699 sqq.). Werk meister replied anonymously with Ueber die deut sehen Mess- and Abendmaltlsanstalten in der katho lischen HofkaPelle zu Stuttgart (1787). Further criticisms were answered in the Beiträge zur Ver besserung der Icatholischen Liturgie in Deutschland (Ulm, 1789). The influence of the spirit of the Enlightenment (q.v.) on Werkxxleister is further shown by a collection of sermons, Predigten in den Jahren 178/x-91 (3 vols., 1812-15). His interest in catechetics appears in Ueber den neuen katholischen Katechismus bei Gelegenheit einer Mainzischen Preis aetfgabe (Frankfort, 1789); while his fundamental religious views appeared in Thomas Freylcirch, oder freimiilige Untersuchungen über die Unfehlbarkeit der katholischen KircTae (1792), in which he denied the infallibility of that church. His reforms seemed destined to be widely accepted. But the successor of Karl, Count Ludwig Eugen, who had disap proved of Werkmeister's activity in his brother's second marriage, did away with the liturgical re forms and retired Werkmeister on a meager pension. Meanwhile Werkmeister had become secularized; nevertheless, Abbot Michael Dobler gave him asylum in Neresheim. But in 1795 he was recalled by Count Friedrich Eugen, Karl's second brother. The reforms were restored, except the German mass. The services of the court chapel became public in 1806, and `Verkmeister obtained the parish of Steinach. In 1807, he was appointed member of the church council; in 1816, chief councilor for schools; and in 1817, leading ecclesiastical councilor.

(R. Günther.)

Bibliography: I. von Longner, Beiträge zur Geschichte der oberrheinischen Kirchenprovinz, pp. 291 sqq., Tübingen, 1863; H. Brack, Die rationalistischen Bestrebungen im katholischen Deutschland, pp. 21 sqq., Mainz, 1865; J. B. Sagmiiller, Die kirchlichen Aufklarung am Hofe des Her zogs Karl Eugen von Württemberg, Freiburg, 1906; KL, xii. 1331-32.


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