
WARNE, FRANCIS WESLEY: Methodist Episcopalian; b. at Erin, Ont., Dec. 30, 1854. After graduation from Albert College, Belleville, Ont., he became, in 1874, a Methodist minister in Canada, where he also did missionary work in 187881. He then studied at Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanaton, Ill., being graduated in 1887. In 1887 lie went to Calcutta, India, as a missionary, and after having been pastor of Thoburn Church in that city, and presiding elder of the Calcutta district, was elected, in 1900, missionary bishop to India.

WARNECK, vdx'nec, GUSTAV ADOLF: German Protestant; b. at Naumburg (24 m, s.w. of Halls) Mar. 8, 1834; d. at Halls Dec. 26, 1910. He studied at the University of Halls (1855-58); in 1862 became assistant pastor at Roitzsnh; served as archdeacon in Dommitzsch (1863-70); became inspeofor of missions at Barmen (1870); was pastor of Rothenschirmbach (1875-96), retiring on a pension in 1896, when he became honorary professor of missions in the University of Halls. After 1879 he was president of the Saxon provincial missionary conference founded by him in that year, and from 1885 to 1901 was secretary of the committee of German missions. In theology he was a conservative: Besides editing the Allgemeine Missionazeitschrift, which he founded in 1874, he wrote: Pond= Pidatus, der Richter Jesu Christi (Gotha, 1867); Briefs über inhere Mission (Halle, 1871); Die apostolische und die moderns Mission (Gütersloh, 1878); Des Studium der Mission auf der Urtiversitat (1877); Missionsstunden (2 parts, 1878-.83); Die gegenseitigen Beziehungert zwischen der nwderrten Mission and Kttttur (1879; Eng. transl. by T. Smith, Modern Missions arid Culture, Edinburgh, 1882, new ed., 1888); Die christliche Mission in der Gegenwart (Halle, 187x); Abriss einer Geschichte der protestayttischen Missionen von der Reformation bit; ailf die Gegenwart (Leipsic, 1882; Eng. transl., by T. Smith, Outline


of the History of Protestant Missions, Edinburgh, 1884, new ed., 1901); Protestantische Beleuchtung der römischen Angri,$'e auf die evangelische Heiden mission (Gütersloh, 1884); Die Mission in der Schule (1887); Der Romanismus im Lichte seiner Heiden mission (Leipsic, 1888); Die Aufgabe der Heiden mission und ihre Triibungen in der Gegenwart (Halle, 1891); Evangelische Missionslehre, ein missionsthe oretischer Versueh (3 vols., Gotha, 1892-1903); Das Bürgerrecht der Mission im Organismus der theologi sehen Wissenschaft (Berlin, 1897); and Die gegen wdrtige Lage der deutschen evangelischen Mission (1905).


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