
WEISS, JOHANNES: German Protestant; b. at Kiel Dec. 13, 1863. He was educated at the uni versities of Marburg, Berlin, Göttingen, and Brea lau (1882-88); became privat-docent at Göttingen (1888), and associate professor of New-Testament exegesis (1890); professor of the same subject in the University of Marburg (1895-1908); since 1908 he has held the same position at Heidelberg. Besides editing Die Schriften den Neuen Testaments neu über setzt and far die Gegenwart erkldrt (2 vols., Göttingen, 1906), he has written Der Barnabasbrief (Berlin, 1888); Die Predigt Jesu vom Reiehe Gotten (Got tingen, 1893); Kommentar zum Lukas-Evangelium (1893); Die Nachfolge Christi und die Predigt der Gegenwart (1895); Beiträge zur paulinische Rhetorik (1897); Ueber die Absicht and den literarischen Char-

akter der Apostelgeschichte (1897); Die flee den Reichs Gotten in der Theologie (Giessen, 1900); Die christliche Freiheit und die Verkiindigung den Apostels Paulus (Göttingen, 1902); Dar alteste Evangelium (1903); Die Offenbarung den Johannes (1904); Die Aufgaben der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft (1908); Christus, die Anfdnge den Dogmas (1909); Paulus and Jesus (Berlin, 1909; Eng. transl., London, 1909, New York, 1910); Jesus im Glauben den Urchristentums (1910); Jesus von Nazareth, Mythus oder Geschichte? (1910); and the volume on Corinthians in the Kritisch.-exegetischer Kommentar über das New Testament (Göttingen, 1910).

WEISS, NATHANAEL EMILE: French Re formed; b. at La Croix-aux-Mines, near Saint-Did (45 m. s.e. of Nancy), Mar. 27, 1845. He studied at the Protestant Gymnasium of Strasburg (B.D., 1867); was tutor to the sons of Count de Maupeau (18679); pastor of the Reformed 2glise de la GlacOre, Paris (1869-71); missionary agent to the Paris Sunday-school Society (1871-75); pastor at Boulogne-aur-Seine (1875 85). Since 1885 he has been librarian of the Sunday-school Society, Paris, and is also secretary of the Society for the History of French Protestantism. He has been a member of the consistory of the Reformed Church in Paris since 1879, and is an " advocate of what is called ` new theology.' " He puts his strength into the Bulletin of the Society for the History of French Protestantism, and is the acknowledged authority in this department of research. He has written Duplessis-Mornay comme thrsologien et eomme charao t'ere politique (Strasburg, 1867); Le Naufrage de la Ville du Havre et du Loch Earn (Paris, 1874); La Sortie de France de Claude Brousson (Orleans, 1885); and La Chambre ardente (Paris, 1889):


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