Protestant; b. at Königsberg June 20, 1827. He
was educated at the universities of Königsberg,
Halle, and Berlin (1844-48); became privat-docent
at the
university of his native city (1852); associ
ate professor (1857); and was divisional pastor there
(1861-63); was professor of New Testament exe
gesis at Kiel (1863-77), being also a member of the
Kiel consistory (1874-77); since 1877 he has been
professor of New-Testament exegesis at the Univer
sity of Berlin, being also member of the Berlin con
sistory (1879-80); supreme conaiatorial councilor and
councilor to the department of public worship (1880
1899); president of the Central Committee for the
Inner Mission of the German Evangelical Church
(1887-96); vice-president since 1896. Besides ed
iting the New Testament in Greek (11 parts, Leipsic,
1902; small edition, 3 vols., 1902-05) and German
(2 vols., 1904), as well as preparing the sixth to the
ninth editions of H. A. W. Meyer's commentary on
Mark and Luke (Göttingen, 1878-1901), the sixth
to the ninth editions of John (1880-1902), the sixth
to the ninth editions of Romans (1881-99), the
seventh to the ninth editions of Matthew (1883
1897), the fifth to the seventh editions of the pas
toral epistles (1885-1902), the fifth and sixth edi
tions of Hebrews (1888-97), and the fifth and sixth
editions of the Johannine epistles (1888-1900), he
has written
Der petrinische Lehrbegri,$' (Berlin, 1855);
Der Philipperbrief (1859);
Der johanneische Lehrbe
gri,$' (1862);
Lehrbuch der biblischen Theologie den
Neuen Testaments (1868; Eng. transl.,
Biblical The
ology of the New Testament, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1882
Das Markus-Evangelium und seine synopti
schen Parallelen (1872);
Das Matthaus-Evangelium
und seine Lukas-Parallelen (Halle, 1876);
Das Leben
Jesu (2 vols., Berlin, 1882; Eng. transl., 3 vols.,
Edinburgh, 1883-84);
Lehrbuch der Ein7,eiEung in
das Neue Testament (1886; Eng. transl.,
tion to the New Testament, 2 vols., London, 1889);
Die Johannesapokalypse (Leipsic, 1891);
Die katho
lischen Briefs (1892);
Die Apostelgeschichte (1893);
Das Neue Testament, textkritische Untersuchung and
Teztherstellung (3 vols., 1894-1900);
Die paulini
schen Briefs im beriehGigten Text (1896);
Der Codex
D in der Apostelgeschichte (1897);
Die vier Evange
lien im berichtigten Text (1900);
Die Religion des
Neuen Testaments (Stuttgart, 1903; Eng. transl.,
New York, 1905);
Die Geschichtlichkeit den Mar
kus-Evangeliums (Gross-Lichterfeld,1905);
Die Quel
len den Lukas-Evangeliums (Stuttgart, 1907);
Die Quellen der synoptischen Ueberlieferung (Leip
sie, 1908);
Morgenandachten über evangelische
Texts (1909);
Abendandachten fiber apostolische Texts
Der Hebräerbrief in zeitgeschichtlicher Be
leuchtung (Leipsic, 1910).
C. A. Briggs, Study of Holy Scripture, pas sim, New York,
1899; Ii. 8. Nash, Hist. of the Higher
Criticism of the N. T., ib. 1900.