
VALESIUS, va-li'shi-us, HENRICUS (HENRI DE VALOIS): French historian and scholar; b. at Paris Sept. 10, 1603; d. there May 7, 1676. Edu cated at the Jesuit school in Verdun and at the Collisge Clermont in Paris, he went, in 1622, to Bourges to study law, which he abandoned in 1630 to devote himself to scholarship. The first results were his editio princeps of the tenth-century com pend "On Virtue and Vice" (Polybii, Diodor£ Si euli, Nieolsi Dsmsseeni . . . ezeerpEa ex collectsneis Constantini Augusti Porphyrogenetce, Paris, 1634), and his edition of Ammianus Marcellinus (1636). His life-work, however, was a critical edition of the Greek church historians, comprising the writings of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, with excerpts from Philostorgius and Theodorua Lector (3 vols., Paris, 1659-73; ed. W. Reading, Cambridge, 1720 and often). His minor writings were edited by P. Burman the younger under the title H. Yalesii emendationum libri quin. que et de critics libri duo (Amsterdam, 1740), which also contains his orations and a biography by his brother Hadrian.

(G. Laubmann†.)

Bibliography: H. Vahius, De vita Henrica VaZeai%, Paris, 1877; SL, mi. 580-583.

VALETON, JOZUA JAN PHILIPPUS: The name of two Dutch Reformed Old-Testament scholars. 1. Jan Valeton the Elder: b. at The Hague Aug. 28, 1814; d. at Utrecht Feb. 8, .1908. He was edu cated at the University of Leyden (1832-39), and was then pastor at Waalsch until 1844, when, after the publication of his doctor's dissertation, Taslibii Syntagma Dictorum Brevium et Acutortim (Leyden, 1884), he was appointed professor of Old Testament at the University of Groningen. In 1878 he left Groningen to accept a similar position at Leyden, where he was the colleague of Abraham Kuenen (q.v.), and there he remained until advancing years forced him to retire from active life. His theolog ical position may be described as that of a liberal conservative. In addition to a number of contri butions to theological periodicals, he was the author of Schets der hebreeisch spraakkunst (1850). 2. Jan Valeton the Younger: Son of the prece ding; b. at Groningen Oct. 14, 1848. He was edu cated at the universities of Utrecht and Geneva, after which he was pastor successively at Verit, Gelderland (1872-75), and at Bloemendaal, near Haarlem (1875-77). In 1877 he was called to his present position of professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Utrecht. He has twice been presi dent of the Association (or Synod) of the Province

of Utrecht (1892, 1903), and was the prime mover in the establishment of a college for training future missionaries; he has also exhibited keen interest in the Students' Christian Movement connected with the Dutch universities, and has delivered many addressee at their gatherings. He is also a member of the Literary Association of the Netherlands and of the Royal Academy of Sciences. Like his father, he is theologically a liberal conservative. He accepts the chief position of the Reuss-Graf-KuenenWellhausen School of Old-Testament criticism, but is an uncompromising defender of the divinity of Christ and of his literal resurrection, though his reasons are rather the needs of the Christian life than the evidence of documents and the like.

Besides many contributions to Dutch and German theological periodicals, and in addition to a large number of addresses, etc., he has written Viertal voorlezingen over prophelen des Ouden Verbonds (Utrecht, 1886, 2d enlarged ed., 1908; dealing with Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the ".Deutero Isaiah" ); Amos en Hoses, een hoofstuk uit de geschied enis van Israel's godsdienst (Nijmegen, 1894; Ger man transl. by F. K. Echternacht, Giessen, 1898) ; Christus en het Ottde Testament (1895); Vergdng Ziches and Euriges im Alten Testament (Berlin, 1895) ; De Psalmen (3 parts, Nijmegen, 1902-05) ; Het Ozuie Testament en de cwetik (1906); Het Oude Testament in het lieht van wetenschappelijk onderzoeg (1907); Oud-testamentische voordrachten (1909 sqq.); and the section on the Israelites in P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye's Leltrbuch der Religionxgeschichte (3d ed., Tübingen, 1905).

T. Witton Davies.


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