
WAGENMANN, vda'en-min, JULIUS AUGUST: German Lutheran; b. at Berneck (50 m. n.n.e. of Erlangen) Nov. 23, 1823; d. at Tübingen Aug. 27, 1890 Educated at the seminary of Blaubeuren (1837-41), and at Tübingen (1841-45), he served as vicar for a short time, then was lecturer at Blaubeuren (1846-49) and Tübingen (1849-51) on Württemberg church history and other departments of theology. In 1852 he became assistant pastor in Goppingen and first assistant 1857; in 1861 he accepted a professorship of church history at Göttingen. He was, however, too diverse in his interests to concentrate himself on any one field of inveati- gation, nor was he the author of any independent work of magnitude. On the other hand, he was a prolific writer for theological periodicals and ency- clopedias. Thus he contributed extensively to the Jahrbücher für deutsche Theologie, of which he was editor for many years, while for the first edition of the Herzog RE he wrote sixty-seven articles, and for the second 144 (including revisions); he also oon Wagenmann took an active interest in the practical affairs of his church and his university. As a professor he frequently preached, while after 1873 he was a member of the central committee of the Gustav-Adolf-Verein (q.v.). In 1878 he received appointment as consistorial councilor.

(N. Bonwetsch.)

Bibliography: Schwt'sbischer Merkur, Oct. 11, 1890; ADB, xl. 477 sqq.

WAGENSEIL, vda'en-sail, JOHANN CHRISTOPH: Apologist; b. at Nuremberg Nov. 26, 1633; d. at Altdorf (11 m. s.w. of Nuremberg) Oct. 9, 1705. He was made professor at Altdorf-first of history (1667), next of Oriental languages (1674), and finally of ecclesiastical law (1697). He wrote the famous works, Sofa, hoc est Tiber Mischnieus de uxore adulterii suspects (Altdorf, 1674; a translation, with notes, of the Mishna tractate upon the treatment of a wife suspected of adultery), and Teda Ignea Sa tame, sive, arcana et horribiles Judceorum adversus Christum Deum et Christianum religionem libri (Alt dorf, 1681; a translation and refutation, in Latin, of certain antichristian Jewish writings). editor for many years, while for the first edition of the Herzog RE he wrote sixty-seven articles, and for the second 144 (including revisions); he also oon Wagenmann took an active interest in the practical affairs of his church and his university. As a professor he frequently preached, while after 1873 he was a member of the central committee of the Gustav-Adolf-Verein (q.v.). In 1878 he received appointment as consistorial councilor.

(N. Bonwetsch.)

Bibliography: Schwt'sbischer Merkur, Oct. 11, 1890; ADB, xl. 477 sqq.


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