
WAEIJEN, wg"ai'yen, JOHANNES VAN DER: Dutch Reformed theologian; b. at Amsterdam July 13, 1639; d. at Franeker Nov. 4, 1701. He was educated at the universities of Utrecht and Leyden (1655-59), and took courses at Heidelberg, Geneva, and Basel. In 1662 he became preacher at Spaarndam, whence he was called to Leeuwarden in 1665. In 1672 he served as an army-chaplain, but later in the same year was called as pastor to Middelburg. Hitherto he had been generally regarded as an advocate of Voetius (q.v.), whom he sought to recon-

tile with Maresius by his Epistola ad amicum de reconciliatione D. G. Voctai el D. S. Maresii (1669). At the same time he showed himself to be no Cocceian by his polemical treatise against Weltogen, Pro vera et genuina Ilefornaatorum sententia prcesertim in negotio de interprets Scriptura (Amsterdam, 1669); and he also opposed the Cartesian philosophy and the Labadists, the latter in his Erzxstige betuiginge van J. van der Waeijen en H. Witsius aan de afdwalende kinderen der kerke tegere de gronderz van Labstdie (1670). In Middelburg, however, his position was radically changed, as was shown by his anonymous Het lijden van Christus in Gethsemane (Middelburg, 1674), and his Over Ps. XVIll. 24 (16i5). The latter treatise involved him in a controversy with A. Hulsius, to whom he replied in his Disputatio van Hulsius over Ps. XVIII. beantwoord door J. v. d. Waeijen (1675). His zealous advocacy of Cartesian and Cocceian tenets led to his suspension from office on Dec. 11, 1676, at the instance of the stadholder William III. Waeijen was then settled at Amsterdam, but in 1677 was appointed professor of Hebrew at Franeker, receiving at the same time a professorship in theology, though there was no vacancy in the latter faculty. He entered upon office with an oration De ecclesice ex utraque Babylone exitu et eorum inter se convenientia (Franeker, 1678), and shortly afterward was appointed aulic councilor. In 1680 he resigned his professorship in Hebrew to devote himself entirely to teaching theology, and in the same yeas was appointed university preacher.

Regarded as the head of the Frisian Cocceians and exercising a very considerable influence, Waeijen had also to be a prolific writer. Among his dogmatic works were his Summa theologise Christianse, pars prior (Franeker, 1689); Varia sacra (1693; also containing exegetic studies); and Theologise Christiarue enchiridion (1700). Of his exegetic investigations only the Disputatio continzns analysin epistolæ ad Galatas (Franeker, 1681) can be mentioned. Waeijen also served three terms as Rector ~magnificus of Franeker, and his abilities as an orator may be judged from his three addresses in this capacity: De incremento cognitionis ezpectando tempore novissimo (Franeker, 1686); De semihurio silentii (1688); and De numero septenario (1696). His homiletic capacity is shown by his posthumous Methodus concionandi (Franeker, 1704). In his polemics, however, Waeijen was more caustic and magniloquent than convincing. To this category belong his attacks on F. Spanheim the younger, Epistola apologetics ad Philalethium Eliezerum (Willem Anslaer) adversus nuperas h'rid. Spanhemii litteras (Franeker, 1683); B. Bekker, De betooverde wereeld van Balthazar Bekker onderzogt en weederlegt (1693); on P. van Hattem, Brief ter tvederlegginge van sekere brief b ij Pontiaan van Hattem met een voorrede, daar in eenige gedac3eten noopens de so genaamde Hebreen (1696); on J. Clerieus, Dissertatio de logo, voeabulo non ex Platone primum repetito et in religionem illato (1698); on P. b Limborch, Limborgiance responsionis discussio (1699); and on J Spencer, Johannis Spenceri dissertatio de hirco Jzazel excussa, principe, de Hebrceorum ritibus msxcmam partem ex ~Egypto arces-


sendis, errore, breviter quoque confutato (in his Varia sacra, pp. 265-622).

(S. D. van Veen.)

Bibliography: The funeral oration by A. Schulting was printed at Franeker, 1702. Consult: E. L. Brimoet, trjbuted extensively to the ADB. Athenarum Frisicarwm libri duo, pp. 557-577, Leeuwarden, 1758; B. Glasius, Godseteerd Nederland, iii. 570-57s, ~s Hertogenbusch, 1856; C. Sepp, Het aodedaard Order- weir in Nederland gedurende de le. en 17. Eevw, Leyden, 1873-74; w. B. S. Boeles, Friealanda HooaeBahool en hat Mika Afheno:um a Franeker, ii. 2ss-274, Leeuwarden, lsss.


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