
TYANA, APOLLONIUS OF. See Apollonius of Tyana.

TYCHONIUS. See Tichonius.

TYCHSEN, ti8'zen (TUBA), OLUF GERHARD: German orientalist; b. at Tondern (106 m. n.w. of Hamburg) Dec. 14, 1734; d. at Rostock Dec. 30, 1815. He was educated at Altona; studied theology and oriental languages at Halls; became in


1759 a member of the Kallenberg missionary institution for the conversion of Jews and Mohammedans, but proved very unsuccessful in his practical attempts; and was in 1760 appointed professor of oriental languages at Butzow, whence in 1789 he was removed to Rostock. He was an authority on Jewish learning and Semitic numismatics, but lacked practical wisdom, as appears from his controversies with Iiennicott (Tentamen de variis cvdicum Hebr. Yeteris Test. MSS. generibus, Rostock, 1772), and with Bayer (Die Tlnechtheit der jüdischen Münzen mit hebräischen and samaritanischen Buchsfaben, Rostock, 1779). The best he wrote is found in his Biitzowsche Nebenstunden (6 vols., 1766-69), and Introductio in rem numariam Muhamedanorum (1794).

Bibliography: A. T. Hartmann, Otul Gerhard Tychsen, 2 vols., Bremen, 1818-20.

TYERMAN, LUKE: Wesleyan; b. at Osmotherley, Yorkshire, Feb. 26, 1820; d. in~London Mar. 21, 1889. He was educated at the Didsbury Wesleyan Methodist Theological Institution, near Manchester, 1842-45, and devoted himself to the ministry. His significance comes from his standard historical works dealing with the origins of Method ism, viz., Life and Times of Rev. Samuel Wesley (London, 1866); Life and Times of Rev. John Wesley (3 vols., 1870-71); The Oxford Methodist (1873); Life of Rev. George Whitefield (2 vols., 1876); Wesley's Designated Successor: the Life, Letters, and Literary Labours of Rev. John W. Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley (1882).

TYLER, BENJAMIN BUSHROD: Disciple; b. at Decatur, Ill., Apr. 9, 1840. He was educated at Eureka College, Eureka, Ill., and held pastorates in his denomination at Charleston, Ill. (1864-69), Terre Haute, Ind. (1869-73), Frankfort, Ky. (1873-1876), Louisville, Ky. (1876-83), and New York City (1883-1900). Since 1900 he has been pastor of the South Broadway Christian Church, Denver, Col. Since 1893 he has been a member of the editorial board of the St. Louis Christian Evangelist. He was also a member of the International Sunday School Lesson Committee in 1890-1908, and while in New York was a member of the committee on versions of the American Bible Society. He has written History of the Disciples of Christ (New York, 1894).


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