Showing 385 terms beginning with P.
- Petri, Lars, and Olav (Olaus)
- Petri, Ludwig Adolf
- Petrie, William Mattew Flinders
- Petrikau, Synods of
- Petrobrussians
- Petrus Mongus
- Peucer, Caspar
- Pew
- Pezel, Christoph
- Pfaff, Christoph Matthaeus
- Pfaffenbrief
- Pfander, Karl Gottlieb
- Pfeffinger, Johann
- Pfeilschifter, Georg
- Pfender, Charle Leberecht
- Pfleiderer, Otto
- Pflug, Julius
- Pharaoh
- Pharisees and Saducees
- Pharmakides, Theoklitos
- Phelonion
- Phelps, Austin
- Phenicia, Phenicians
- Philadelphia
- Philadephian Society
- Philanthropy
- Philaret
- Philaster
- Phileas
- Philemon, Epistle to
- Philip II
- Philip IV (Le Bel, 'The Fair)
- Philip, the Apostle
- Philip the Arabian
- Philip the Evangelist
- Philip of Gortyna
- Philip of Hesse
- Philip the Magnanimous
- Philip Neri, Saint
- Philip of Side
- Philip the Tetrach
- Phlippi, Friedrich Adolph
- Philippi, Jacobus
- Philippians, Epistle to the
- Philppine Islands
- Philippists
- Philippus Solitarius
- Philips, Obbe
- Philistines
- Phillips, Philip
- Philipps, Ubbo
- Phillpots, Henry
- Philo of Alexandria
- Phylo Byblius
- Philo of Carpasia
- Philopatris
- Philoponus
- Philostorgius
- Philoxenus
- Phocas, Saint
- Phœbadius
- Photinus
- Photius
- Phrygia
- Phut
- Phylactery
- Piacenza, Synod of
- Piarists
- Pi-beseth
- Picards
- Pick, Bernard
- Pick, Israel
- Pickett, James
- Pico Della Mirandola
- Picpus, Congregation of
- Pictet, Benedict
- Pictures, Miraculous
- Pie
- Pieper, Anton
- Pieper, Franz August Otto
- Pierce, Lovick
- Pierrius
- Pierson, Arthur Tappan
- Pietism
- Pietro Martire Vermigli
- Pighius, Albertus
- Pigou, Francis
- Pilate, Acts of
- Pilate, Pontius
- Pilgrimages
- Pilgrim
- Pillar of Fire and Cloud
- Pilot, William
- Pinytus
- Pionius
- Piper, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand
- Pippin, Donation of
- Pirke Aboth
- Pirkheimer, Charitas
- Pirkheimer, Wilibald
- Pirmin, Saint
- Pirstinger, Berthold
- Pisa, Councils of
- Piscator, Johannes
- Pisgah
- Pisidia
- Pistis Sophia
- Pistoja, Synod of
- Pistorius, Johannes Becker
- Pithom
- Pitra, Jean Baptiste
- Pitzer, Alexander White
- Pius
- Pius Societies
- Place, Josué De La
- Placemaker's Bible
- Placet
- Placette, Jean La
- Placetum Regium
- Placeus, Josua
- Plague
- Plagues of Egypt
- Plain Song
- Planck, Gottlieb Jakob
- Planck, Heinrich Ludwig
- Plath, Karl Heinrich Christian
- Platina, Bartolomeo
- Platner, John Winthrop
- Plato
- Plato, Porphory Rojdestvenski
- Platon
- Platonism and Christianity
- Pleasure
- Plenary
- Plitt, Gustav Leopold
- Plockhoy, Pieter Cornelisz
- Plotinus
- Plumer, William Swain
- Plummer, Alfred
- Plumptre, Edward Hayes
- Plunket, William Conyngham
- Pluralities
- Plutarch of Athens
- Pluvial
- Brethren, Plymouth
- Pneumotomachi
- Poach, Andreas
- Pneumatics
- Pobiedonostev, Konstantin Petrovich
- Pocock, Edward
- Podebrad and Kunstatt, George of
- Poems, Anonymous, in the Early Church
- Poeschl, Thomas
- Poetry, Hebrew
- Pohle, Joseph
- Points of Agreement, Hessian
- Poiret, Pierre
- Poissy, Religious Conference of
- Poland, Christianity in
- Polanus, Velerandus
- Pole, Reginald
- Polemics
- George of Polenz
- Poliander, Johannes
- Politi, Lancelotti
- Polity Ecclesiastical
- Pollock, Bertram
- Pollok, Allan
- Pollok, Robert
- Polycarp
- Polychrome Bible
- Polychronius
- Polycates
- Polyglot Bibles
- Polytheism
- Pomerius, Julianus
- Ponce de Leon
- Pond, Enoch
- Pontianus
- Pontifical
- Pontoppidan
- Poole, Matthew
- Poor Clares
- Poor Laws, Hebrew
- Poor Men of Christ
- Poor Men of Lyons
- Poor Relief
- Pope, Papacy, Papal System
- Pope, William Burt
- Pordage, John
- Porete, Margareta
- Porphyry
- Porphyry the Neoplatonist
- Porst, Johann
- Port Royal
- Portanova, Gennaro
- Porter, Ebenezer
- Porter, Frank Chamberlain
- Porter, Josias Leslie
- Porter, Noah
- Porteus, Beilby
- Portiuncula Indulgence
- Porto Rico
- Portugal
- Positivism
- Possession, Demoniacal
- Possevino, Antonio
- Post, George Edward
- Postil
- Postmillenarianism
- Postredemptionism
- Postulation
- Potamiæna
- Potamius
- Pothinus
- Potter, Alonzo
- Potter, Henry Codman
- Potter, Horatio
- Potts, George
- Poulsen, Alfred Sveistrup
- Pouring
- Poverty, Suffering, and the Church
- Powell, Baden
- Powell, Lyman Pierson
- Powell, Vavasor
- Power, Frederick Dunglison
- Prædestinatus, Liber
- Prædinius, Regnerus
- Præmunire
- Prætorius, Abdias (Gottschalk Schulze)
- Prætorius, Stephan
- Pragmatic Sanction
- Pragmatism
- Prague, Archbishopric of
- Prague, Compactata of: Four Articles of
- Prarthana Samaj of Bombay
- Pratt, Waldo Selden
- Praxeas
- Prayer
- Prayer Book, English
- Prayer for the Dead
- Prayer-Gage Debate, The
- Prayer, Hours of
- Prayer, week of
- Preaching Friars
- Preaching, History of
- Prebend
- Precious Stones
- Precist
- Preconization
- Predestination
- Preger, Johann Wilhelm
- Pregizerians
- Prelate
- Prelature
- Premillenarianism
- Premonstratensians
- Prentiss, Elizabeth Payson
- Prentiss, George Lewis
- Prebyter, Presbyterate
- Presbyterian Alliance
- Presbyterians
- Presbyterium
- Presbytery
- Presence and Presence Fees
- Presentation of the Virgin Mary, Feast of the
- Presiding Elders
- Pressensé Edmond (Dehault) De
- Pressly, John Taylor
- Prester John
- Preston, John
- Preston, Thomas Scott
- Preuschen, Erwin Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand
- Price, Horace MacCartie Eyre
- Price, Ira Maurice
- Pride
- Prideaux, Humphrey
- Prideaux, John
- Prierias, Silvster
- Priest, Priesthood
- Priestly, Joseph
- Priests of the Mission
- Primacy
- Primasius
- Primate
- Prime
- Prime, Samuel, Irenæus
- Primer
- Primicerius
- Primin, Saint
- Primitive Baptists
- Prince, Thomas
- Prins, Jan Jacob
- Prior, Prioress
- Prisca, Priscilla
- Priscillian, Priscillianists
- Prison Reform
- Proba
- Probabalism
- Probation, Future
- Procession of the Holy Ghost
- Processions
- Prochet, Matteo
- Procksch, Otto
- Proclus
- Procopius of Cæsarea
- Procopius of Gaza
- Procopious, Andreas, the Great
- Procter, John
- Procurator
- Prodicians
- Professio Fidei Trindentinæ
- Proles, Andreas
- Prologus Galeatus
- Propaganda, Congregation and College of the
- Property, Ecclesiastical
- Prophecy and the Prophetic Office
- Prophesying
- Propitiation
- Propst, Jakob
- Proselytes
- Prosper of Aquitane
- Proterius
- Protestant Episcopalians
- Protestant Friends
- Protestant Methodists
- Protestant Union (German)
- Protestantism
- Protoevangelium
- Prothonotary Apostolic
- Protopope
- Protopresbyter
- Proverbs, Book of
- Providence
- Provincial
- Provisor
- Provost, Samuel
- Provost
- Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens
- Prudentius of Troyes
- Prussia
- Prussia, Reformation in
- Pruystinck, Loy
- Pryce, Robert Vaughan
- Prynne, William
- Psalmanazar, George
- Psalm Melodies, French
- Psalmody
- Psalms, Book of
- Psalms, Use of the, in Worship
- Psellus, Constantinus (Michael)
- Pseudepigrapha, Old Testament
- Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals and Other Forgeries.
- Psychical Research and the Future Life
- Psychotherapy
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Publican
- Publicani
- Puddlefoot, William George
- Puenjer, Georg Christian Bernhard
- Puerstinger, Berthold
- Pufendorf, Samuel, Baron
- Pul
- Pulcheria
- Pulleyn, Robert
- Pullman, James Minton
- Pulpit
- Punishment, Future
- Punishments, Hebrew
- Punshon, William Morley
- Purcell, Henry
- Purcell, John Baptist
- Purchas, John
- Purgatory
- Purification
- Purification of the Virgin Mary, Feast of
- Purim
- Puritans, Puritanism
- Purves, George Tybout
- Purves, James
- Purvey, John
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie
- Pynchon, William
- Pyx