MEYER, mailer, HEINRICH AUGUST WILHELM: German Lutheran; b. at Gotha Jan. 10, 1800; d. at Hanover June 21, 1873. He received his theological training at Jena (1818-20). After teaching for a time in a private school at Grone, near Göttingen, he was pastor successively at Ost hausen (1822-26), Meiningen (1826-31), and Harate (1831-37). In 1837 he was called to Hoya as su perintendent and pastor; and in 1841, declining a professorial appointment at Giessen, he was made consistorial councilor, superintendent, and pastor at Neustadt, Hanover. Here he was the sole pas tor of a community of some 5,000, and to his three fold task was added the ever-increasing burden of his labor on the New Testament. After 1848 he restricted himself to his consistonal and exegetical duties, residing at Hanover. In 1861 he was created a councilor of the supreme consistory, but in 1865 he requested and obtained honorable re tirement. He regarded his Latin edition of the Lutheran symbolic books (Göttingen, 1830) as an episode in his life-work. His great work was Das Neue Testament grieehisch nach den besten Huifs mitteln kritisch revidiert mit Liner neuen deutschen Uebersetzung and tinem kritischen and exegetaschen Kommentdr, of which the first eleven volumes were prepared by himself (Göttingen, 1829-47; text and translation of the New Testament, and com mentary on Matthew-Philemon), the remaining volumes being necessarily entrusted to younger ool laborators, all Meyer's strength being needed in the preparation of new editions of the parts already issued by him. His original plan had been to divide the work into three parts: text and trans lation; commentary on the Gospels and Acts; commentary on the other books and a handbook containing isagogic investigations, the history of exegesis (especially from the Church Fathers), and his own methods. He likewise planned to write a system of Biblical rationalism, which was to give a summary of exegetical results. His work was trans lated into English (20 vols., Edinburgh, 1873,85; American ed., New York, 1884 sqq). In his life time he employed as collaborators J. E. Huther (the Pastoral, Petrine, and Johannine Epistles, Jude and James; Göttingen, 1850-52), G. LiIne mann (I and II Thessalonians and Hebrews, 1850), and F. Ddsterdieck (Apocalypse, 1865). Since his death later editions have been prepared by B. Weiss (Matthew, John, Romans, the Pastoral and Johannine Epistles, and Hebrews; 7th ed., G6t tingen, 1901-02), B. and J. Weiss (Mark and Luke; 9th ed., 1901), H. H. Wendt (Acts; 8th ed., 1899), C. F. G. Heinrici (I and II Corinthians; 8th ed., 1896-1900), F. Sieffert (Galatians; 9th ed., 1899), E. Haupt (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon; 8th ed., 1902), W. Bornemann (I and and II Thessalonians; 6th ed., 1894), E. Kühl (Petrine Epistles and Jude; 6th ed., 1897), W. Beyschlag (James; 6th ed.,1897), and W. (Apocalypse; 6th ed., 1906).
Bibliography: A. H. Newman, in Bap&t Quarterly, viii (1874), 438 sqq.; H. 6. Burrage, in Bibliotheca Sacra, asaii (1875), 438 sqq.
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