
MEYER, FREDERICK BROTHERTON: English Baptist; b. at London Apr. 8, 1847. He was educated at Brighton College and Regent's Park Baptist College (B.A., London University, 1869), and held successive pastorates at Pembroke Baptist Chapel, Liverpool, in 1870-72, York, in 1872-1874, Victoria Road Church, Leicester, in 1874-78, Melbourne Hall, Leicester, in 1878,88, Regent's Park Chapel, London, in 1888-92, and Christ Church, Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth, in 1892-95. He was president of the National Federation of Free Churches 1904-05. Since that time, as general evangelist of the Federation of Free Churches, he has conducted missions in South Africa and the far


East, returning to England in the spring of 1909. In theology he is a liberal Evangelical. Among his numerous works, special mention may be made of his Elijah and the Secret of his Power (London, 1887); Israel a Prime with God (1887); Abraham; or, the Obedience of Faith (1888); Christian Living (1888); Present Tenses of the Blessed Life (1888); Shepherd Psalm (1889); Joseph, Beloved, Hated, Exalted (1890); Tried by Fire (1890); Life and Light of Men (1891); Moses, the Servant of God (1892); Joshua and the Land of Promise (1893); Way into the Holiest (1893); Jeremiah, Priest and Prophet (1894); Prayers for Heart and Home (1894); Christ in Isaiah (1895); David, Shepherd, Psalmist, King (1895); Reveries and Realities (1896); Through Fire and Flood (1896); Paul, a Servant of Jesus Christ (1897); Saved and Kept (1897); Statutes and Songs (1897); Work-arday Sermons (1897); Blessed are Ye (1898); Our Daily Homily (5 vols., 1898-99); Love to the Uttermost (1898); Love, Courtship, Mar riage (1899); John the Baptist (1900); The Prophet of Hope (1900); The Soul's Ascent (1901); Art of Life (1903); Jottings and Hints for Lay Preachers (1903); Religion in Homespun (1903); Some Deeper Things (1903); Directory of a Devout Life (1904); In the Beginning God! (1904); Epistle to the Philip pians (1905); The Soul's Wrestle with Doubt (1905); In Defence of the Faith (1907); The Soul's Pure Intention (1907); and A Winter in South Africa (1908).


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