
McCLURE, JAMES GORE KING: Presbyterian; b. at Albany, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1848. He was educated at Yale (A.B., 1870) and Princeton Theological Seminary, from which. he was graduated in 1873. He was ordained to the Presbyte-



rian ministry in 1874, and from that year until 1879 was pastor at New Scotland, N. Yi, after which he traveled in Europe for two years. He was then pastor at Lake Forest, Ill., until 1905, and also president of Lake Forest University from 1897 until his resignation in 1901. Since 1905 he has been president of McCormick Theological Seminary. He was also president of the College Board of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America in 1903-04. He has written: Posax'bilities (Chicago, 1896); The Man who Wanted to Help (1897); The Great Appeal (1898); Environment (1899); For Hearts that Hope (1900); A mighty Means of Llsefxdness (1901); Luring /'or the Best (1903); The Growing Pastor (1904); Loyalty the Soul of Religion (190b); and Supreme Things (sermons; 1908).

McCLYMONT, JAMES ALEXANDER: Church of Scotland; b. at Girvan (17 m. s.w. of Ayr), Ayrshire, May 26, 1848. He was educated at the universities of Edinburgh (M.A., 1867; B.D., 1870) and Tübingen, and was assistant in Dundee Pariah Church from 1871 to 1874. Since the latter year he has been minister of Holburn Parish, Aberdeen, as well as chaplain to the Gordon Highlanders. He was examiner in Hebrew in Aberdeen University in 1894 and in Hebrew and Biblical criticism in 1906-08, and is also convener of the Business Committee of the Aberdeen Synod and a member of the General Committee of the Church of Scotland. In theology he describes himself as an "Evangelical Broad Churchman." Besides his work as joint editor (with A. H. Charteris) of the Guild Text-Books (Edinburgh, 1890 sqq.) and the Guild Library (London, 1895 sqq.), he has translated J. T. Beck's Pastorallehren des Neuen Testamentes (Gütersloh, 1880) under the title Pastoral Theology of the New Testament (in collaboration with T. Nicol; Edinburgh, 1885); and has written The New Testament and its Writers (1892); St. John's Gospel in The Century Bible (1901); and Greece (London, 1906).


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