
LUEDEMANN, lil'de-mtln, HERMANN EARL: Swiss Protestant; b. at Kiel Sept. 15, 1842. He was educated at the universities of Kiel, Heidelberg, and Berlin from 1861 to 1867 (Ph.D., Kiel, 1870), and in 1872 became privat-docent at the university of his native city (where he also taught in a private school). In 1878 he was appointed as sociate professor of New-Testament exegesis at the same institution, and since 1884 has been con nected with the University of Bern, where he has been professor successively of church history (1884 1891) and of systematic theology, dogmatics, and philosophy (since 1891). He is an adherent of the liberal school in theology, and has written: Die Anthropologie den Apostel Paulus und ihre Stellureg innerhalb seiner Heilslehre (Kiel, 1872); Die "Eid briichigkeit" urtaerer netikirchlichen (freisannigen) Geisllichen (1881); Die natters Enturicldung der protestantischen Theologie (Bremen, 1884); Reform and Tdtuferlum in ihrem Verhliltnis rum christlichen Prinzt.'p (Bern, 1896); InditridualitSt and Pers6rh lichkeit (1900); Was heiast "bt'blisches Christenxum"t (190b) and Religion urtd Leben (1908).

LUETGERT, liit'gitrt, WILHELM: German Protestant; b. at Heiligengrabe (a village near Wittstock, 60 m. n.w, of Berlin), Brandenburg, Apr. 9, 1887. He was educated at the universities of Greifawald and Berlin from 1886 to 1889, and in 1892 became privat-docent for New-Testament exegesis and dogmatic theology at the former in stitution, where he was appointed associate pro fessor of the same subjects in 1895. In 1901 he went in a similar capacity to Halle, where he was promoted to his present position of full professor in 1902. Besides assisting A. Schlatter since 1904 in editing the Beiträge zur Ftirderung der chrdat lichen Theologie, he has written Dan Reich Gotten in den aynoptischen Evangelien (Gütersloh, 1895); Die johanneische Christologie (1899); Die Liebe im Neuen Testament (Leipsic, 1905); Gotten Sohn and Gotten Geist, Vorlrage zur Christologie and zur Lehre vom Geiste Gotten (1905); Im Diertste Gotten. Be_ trachtungen (Berlin, 1907); Jesus Christua fiirwn aere Zeit (Hamburg, 1907; in collaboration with several others); Frechet'tapredigt and Sch>varmgeister in Iforinth, Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Chria-

tuspartei, and Die Irrlehrer der Pastoralbrtje, both in the Beiträge, ut sup. (1908-09).


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