LIPPE, lip'pe (LIPPE-DETMOLD): A principality of northwestern Germany; capital Detmold; area 469 Square miles; population (1905) 145,577, of whom 139,127 were Reformed or Lutherans, 5,477 Roman Catholics, and 735 Jews. Lippe became Christian in the time of Charlemagne, and, like other German states, it was dominated throughout the Middle Ages by the papacy. Some of the cities of the principality early accepted the Reformation, particularly Lemgo, which adopted the Brunswick church order in 1533; and in 1538 a church order that had been worked out by two Lutheran clergymen at the instance of the regents of Lippe was accepted by the nobility and the cities. Through the Interim (q.v.) the reform movement suffered a reverse; but in 1571 Count Simon VI. introduced a new church order which recognized as binding the Augsburg Confession and its Apology, the Schmalkald Articles, and Luther's catechism. Later Count Simon went over to the Reformed faith. Throughout the country and in the cities, with the exception of Lemgo, the Heidelberg catechism now replaced that of Luther; and in 1584 a Reformed church order was introduced. The Reformed Church, which numbers forty-one parishes, now has a modern synodal constitution. The Lutheran Church, with five parishes, is under the state consistory at Detmold, forming a synodal district of its own. The Roman Catholic Church numbers ten congregations, which are under the bishop of Paderborn. There are all together some fifty beneficent institutions in the principality, including the Sophienhaus at Salzuflen, the Rettungshaus at G�inau, and the state Diakonissenanstalt at Detmold. There are gymnasia at Detmold and Lemgo, a Realschule at Salzuflen, and a seminary for teachers at Detmold, as well as several city high schools for girls. There are 126 Evangelical elementary schools, eleven Roman Catholic schools, and ten Jewish schools.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: O. Preuss and A. Faikmann, Lippische Regesten, 5 vols., Detmold, 1860 sqq.; H. Clemen, Beitr�ge zur Kirchengeschichte in Lippe, Lemgo, 1860; A. Dreves, Geschichte der Kirchen . . . des lippiochen Landes, ib. 1881; A. Falman, Beitr�ge zur Geschichte des F�rstentums Lippe, Detmold, 1902; J. Freisen, Staat und katholische Kirche in Lippe, Stuttgart, 1906.
LIPSCOMB, lips'cum, ANDREW ADGATE: American Methodist Protestant divine and, educator; b. at Georgetown, D. C., Sept. 6, 1816; d. at Athens, Ga., Nov. 24, 1890. He was licensed to preach in 1834, and remained in the ministry till 1849 when failing health compelled him to resign. He then opened an academy for young ladies at Montgomery, Ala. He was president of the Female College at Tuskegee, Ala. (1856-59), chancellor of the University of Georgia (1860-74), and professor of art and criticism in Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. (1874-85). Among his works are: The Social Spirit of Christianity (Philadelphia, 1846); Studies in the Forty Days between Christ's Resurrection and Ascension (Nashville, 1884); and Studies Supplementary to the Studies in the Forty Days between Christ's Resurrection arid Ascension (Nashville, 1885).
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