KRIEG, kr�g, KORNEL: German Roman Catholic; b. at Weisenbach (20 m. s. of Carlsruhe), Sept. 14, 1839. He studied in Freiburg and Bonn (Ph.D., Heidelberg, 1876; D.D., Freiburg, 1879), and in 1880 became privat-docent in the former institution, where he was promoted to his present position of full professor of Biblical encyclopedia, pastoral theology, and Biblical introduction in 1883. He has written: Grundriss der r�mischen Altert�mer (Altbreisach, 1872); Monotheismus der Offenbarung und das Heidentum (Mainz, 1880); Die theologischen Schriften des Boethius (Cologne, 1884); Die liturgischen Bestrebungen im karolingischen Zeitalter (Freiburg, 1889); Lehrbuch der P�dagogik (Paderborn, 1893); Das Buch von den heiligen vierzehn Nothelfern (Freiburg, 1895); F�rstabt Martin Gerbert von Sankt Blasien (1896); F. G. Wanker, ein Theologe der Uebergangszeit (1896); Encyclop�die der theologischen Wissenschaften (1900); Wisseneschaft der Seelenleitung, eine Pastoraltheologie, i. (1905); and Wissenschaft des kirchlichen Katechumenates 1907).
KROPATSCHECK, kro-pat'schek, FRIEDRICH: German Protestant; b. at Wismar (18 m. n. of Schwerin), Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Jan. 25, 1875. He studied in Basel, Berlin, and Greifswald (Ph.D., 1898), and from 1899 to 1901 was inspector of the theological Studienhaus at Greifswald. During this period he was privat-docent at the university of the same city, where he became associate professor of systematic theology and New-Testament exegesis in 1902; since 1904 he has held a similar position in Breslau. He has edited the Biblische Zeit- und Streitfragen since 1904, and has written Johannes D�lsch aus Feldkirch (Greifswald, 1898); Occam und Luther (G�tersloh, 1900); and Die Schriftprinzip der lutherischen Kirche, i. (Leipsic, 1904).
KROTEL, kro'tel, GOTTLOB FREDERICK: Lutheran; b. at Ilsfeld (25 m. e. of Carlsruhe), Germany, Feb. 4, 1826; d. in New York City May 17, 1907. He emigrated to the United States in childhood and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania (B.A., 1846). He then studied theology and was licensed to preach in 1848 by the Evangelical Lutheran ministerium of Pennsylvania, holding pastorates at Passyunk, Philadelphia, Pa. (1848-49), Lebanon, Pa. (1849-53), Lancaster, Pa. (1853-61), Philadelphia (1861--68), Holy Trinity, New York City (1868-95), and the Church of the Advent in the same city (1896-1907). He was also professor in the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, in 1864-68, and president of the General Council, of which he was one of the founders, in 1869-70 and 1888-93. He was editor of Der lutherische Herold from 1872 to 1875 and one of the editors of The Lutheran, the official organ of the General Council, from 1881 to 1883 and editor-in-chief from 1895 till his death. In addition to translating C. F. Ledderhose's Life of Melanchthon (Philadelphia, 1854) and J. G. W. Uhlhorn's Luther and the Swiss (1876), he wrote Who are the Blessed? Meditations on the Beatitudes (Philadelphia, 1855) and Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism (1863; in collaboration with W. J. Mann).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: In Memoriam Rev. G. F. Krotel, privately printed, New York, 1908.
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