KAUTZSCH, kautsh,
Protestant; b. at Plauen (21 m. s.w. of Zwickau)
Sept. 4, 1841. He studied in Leipsic (Ph.D.,
1863), taught in the Nicolai Gymnasium of Leipsic,
1863-72; became privat-docent in Leipsic, 1869,
associate professor, 1871, full professor of Old-Testament
exegesis at Basel, 1872; at T�bingen, 1880;
at Halle, 1888. In 1877 he shared in founding the
Deutscher Pal�stina-Verein. He has written:
Veteris Testamenti locis a Paulo apostolo allegatis
(Leipsic, 1869);
Die Echtheit der moabitischen Altert�mer
(1876; in collaboration with A. Socin);
Johann Buxtorf der Aeltere (Basel, 1879);
zu Gesenius-Kautzsch hebr�ischer Grammatik
(Leipsic, 1881);
Grammatik des Biblisch-Aram�ischen
Predigten �ber den zweiten Jahrgang
der w�rttembergischen Evangelien (T�bingen, 1887;
in collaboration with H. Weiss);
Die Genesis mit
�usserer Unterscheidung der Quellenschriften �bersetzt
(Freiburg, 1888; in collaboration with A. Socin);
Die Psalmen �bersetzt (1893);
Abriss der
Geschichte des alttestamentlichen Schrifttums (1897);
Bibelwissenschaft und Religionsunterricht (Halle,
Proverbs in the Polychrome Bible
(New York, 1901; in collaboration with A. M�ller);
Die Poesie
und die poetischen B�cher des Alten Testaments
(T�bingen, 1902); and
Die Aram�ismen im Alten
Testament (Halle, 1902). He has also edited the
second to the eighth edition of H. Scholz's
der hebr�ischen Laut- und Formenlehre (Leipsic,
1874-99); the twenty-second to the twenty-seventh
edition of W. Gesenius'
Hebr�ische Grammatik (1878-1902);
and the tenth and eleventh editions of K. R.
Encyklop�die und Methodologie (1880-1884).
He likewise published, in collaboration with
other scholars,
Die heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments
(Freiburg, 1894);
Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen
des Alten Testaments (1899); and
des Alten und Neuen Testaments (T�bingen,
KAWERAU, kd've-rau, PETER GUSTAV: German
Protestant; b. at Bunzlau (65 m. n.w. of
Breslau), Silesia, Feb. 25, 1847. He studied at the
University of Berlin (1863-66), and was pastor
at Langheinersdorf, Brandenburg (1871-76), and
Klemzig (1876-82). He became professor and
spiritual inspector at the Kloster Unserer Lieben
Frau, Magdeburg, 1882; professor of practical theology
at Kiel, 1886; at Breslau, 1894. He was appointed
university preacher at Kiel in 1888 and at
Breslau in 1894, was created a consistorial councilor
in the latter year; became provost of St. Peter's
at Berlin, 1907. In 1883 he was one of the founders
of the Verein fur Reformationsgeschichte, and
has edited: Der Briefwechsel des Justus Jonas (2
vols., 1885); shared in the Brunswick edition and
edited the third, fourth, eighth, and part of the
twelfth volumes of the Weimar edition of Luther
(Weimar, 1885-91); Zwei �lteste Catechismen der
lutherischen Reformation (Halle, 1891); the third
volume of W. M�ller's Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte
(T�bingen, 1907); Schlesisches Hauschoralbuch
(Breslau, 1898); and the fifth edition of J.
K�stlin's Martin Luther (2 vols., Berlin, 1904-1905);
As independent works he has written: Johann
Agricola von Eisleben (Berlin, 1881); Caspar
G�ttel, ein Lebensbild aus Luthers Freundeskreise
(Halle, 1882); Ueber Berechtigung und Bedeutung
des landesherrlichen Kirchenregiments (Kiel, 1887);
De digamia episcoporum (1889); Luthers Lebensende
in neuester ultramontanistischer Beleuchtung (Barmen,
1890); C. H. Spurgeon, ein Prediger von
Gottes Gnaden (Hamburg, 1892); Hieronymus Emser
(Halle, 1898); Die Versuche Melanchthon zur
katholischen Kirche zur�ckzuf�hren (1902); and
Luthers R�ckkehr von der Wartburg nach Wittenberg