
KALTEISEN, kalt-ai'zen, HEINRICH: Dominican; b. at Ehrenbreitstein (2 m. e. of Coblenz), Rhenish Prussia, c. 1390; d. at Coblenz Oct. 3, 1465. He early entered the Dominican convent at Coblenz, and studied subsequently at Vienna and at Cologne, where he became professor of theology and also a preacher of note. Later he was stationed at Mainz as inquisitor-general for Germany. He attended the Council of Basel, and, in 1433, made himself famous by a three days' speech against the demand of the Hussites for the free preaching of the word of God (printed by Canisius, in Thesaurus monumentorum ecclesiasticorum et historicorum, ed. J. Basnage, iv. 628-708, Antwerp, 1725). During his residence at Basel he seems to have been prior of the Dominican convent there. In 1443 he was made magister sacri palatii by Eugenius IV., and in 1452 Nicholas V. made him titular archbishop of Trondhjem. In 1463 he retired to the cloister of his order at Coblenz. Friedrich Steill edited a few of Kalteisen's writings in Ephemerides dominicano-sacr�; (Dillingen, 1692), but most of his works remained in manuscript.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. Quetif and J. Echard, Scriptores ordinis praedicatorum, i. 828, Paris, 1719; KL, vii. 58.

KAM, kam, JOSEPH: Dutch missionary to the Moluccas or Spice Islands; b. at Bois-le-Duc (28 m. s.s.e. of Utrecht) 1770; d. on the island of Amboyna,


Malay Archipelago, 1833. He early desired to be a missionary, but yielded to his father's wishes and became a business man. At the age of forty he resigned his position as court messenger at Amsterdam, and entered the missionary seminary at Berkel, where his elder brother was educating candidates for the Netherlands Missionary Society. The Indian colonies being at that time in the hands of the English, he entered the service of the London Missionary Society, in whose seminary at Gosport he spent a year. In 1813 he was sent to the Moluccas. The heathen population there had been forcibly Romanized by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century, and in like manner transferred to the Reformed Church by the Dutch at the beginning of the seventeenth century. When Kam appeared on the scene, everything was in a sad state of decline. At rare intervals a preacher would make a hasty visit to the islands to baptize children by throngs, and to solemnize marriages. Kam took up his abode on Amboyna, where in 1817 he was appointed government preacher. He now developed a wonderful activity in reviving the defunct Christian congregations. The twenty thousand or more baptized members were organized under his charge, into eighty congregations, the remotest of them being 300 miles away. For hiss journeys he had a vessel built, which he himself commanded as captain. Thanks to his exertions seventeen missionaries were sent out during the years 1819-32, including Schwarz and Riedel, who became distinguished for their success in Celebes. Honored as "apostle of the Moluccas," Kam labored on indefatigably till his end.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. J. van Rhijn, Reis door den indischen Archipel, pp. 443 sqq., Rotterdam, 1851; E. F. Kruijf, Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, Groningen, 1894; P. Wurm, in Allgemeine Missions-Zeitechrift, 1897, pp. 365 sqq.


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