KELLNER, KARL ADAM HEINRICH: German Roman Catholic; b. at Heiligenstadt (15 m. n.w. of M�hlhausen), Prussia, Aug. 26, 1837. He studied at the academy of M�nster, the University of T�bingen, and the seminary of Treves, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1861. He was then vicar at Treves 1862-65, parish priest at Bitburg 1866-67, and professor of canon law in the theological seminary at Hildesheim from 1867 to 1874, when the institution was closed as a result of the Kulturkampf. In 1874 he was appointed professor of church history in the University of Bonn, and held this position until his retirement from active life in 1902. He has written Buss- und Straffverfahrungen gegen Kleriker in den sechs ersten christlichen Jahrhunderten (Treves, 1863); Hellenismus und Christentum (Cologne, 1866): Ausgew�hlte Schriften Tertullians �bersetzt (2 vols., Kempten, 1870-72); Verfassung, Lehramt und Unfehlbarkeit der Kirche (1872); Tertullians s�mmtliche Schriften �bersetzt (2 vols., Cologne, 1882); and Heortologie oder das Kirchenjahr und die Heiligenfeste in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung von den �ltesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart (Freiburg, 1901). He also revised the eleventh volume of Rohrbacher's Universalgeschichte der katholischen Kirche (M�nster, 1880).
KELLS, SYNOD OF: A synod convened in 1152 at Kells (38 m. n.w. of Dublin), by Eugenius III., for the purpose of reorganizing the Church of Ireland. It divided the country into four archbishoprics, established a hierarchy, introduced tithes and the Peter's-pence, acknowledged the papal supremacy, etc. See CELTIC CHURCH IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND, III., 2, � 5.
KELLY, THOMAS: Irish dissenting preacher and hymn-writer; b. at Kellyville (4 m. w. of Athy), County Queen's, July 13, 1769; d. there May 14, 1855. He was graduated at the University of Dublin and studied law in London, but took orders in the Established Church in 1792 and began to preach in Dublin. For his fervent Evangelical sermons he was soon inhibited by the archbishop from preaching in the diocese of Dublin. After preaching for a time in two unconsecrated buildings in the city, he became a dissenter and, from his ample means, erected chapels at Athy, Portarlington, Waterford, Wexford, and other places, where he continued to preach. His reputation rests upon his Hymns on Various Passages of Scripture (Dublin, 1804). The ninety-six hymns of the first edition grew to 765 in the seventh (1853), the last that appeared before his death. His best-known hymns are, "Come, see the place where Jesus lay," and "On the mountain's top appearing."
BIBLIOGRAPHY: S. W. Duffield, English Hymns, pp. 206-207 et passim, New York, 1886; Julian, Hymnology, pp. 614-615.
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