
KELLER (CELLARIUS), ANDREAS: Early German Evangelical; b. at Rottenburg (25 m. s.w. of Stuttgart), Württemberg, 1503; d. Sept. 18, 1562. He probably studied at Vienna. In the spring of 1524 he preached the Gospel with youthful fire in his native town and combated the papacy, and accepted in the same year a call to Strasburg as assistant at St. Peter's. In Dec., 1524, he became pastor at Wasselnheim near Strasburg. By means of brief tracts he sought to promote the cause of the Gospel, and also wrote his now vanished catechism, Bericht der Kinder zu Waselheim in Frag und Antwort gestellt (Strasburg, 1530). In Sept., 1536, he became pastor at Wildberg, Württemberg, and later superintendent. In 1542 Strasburg wished to recall him, but he remained at Wildberg, reformed the neighboring cloister of Reuthin, and participated in the weightiest affairs of the State Church, e.g., in the memorial with reference to the attitude of the Evangelicals toward the council, 1543-44; and in the matter of advisement concerning the Confessio Wirtembergica, June, 1551. As a writer he now confined himself to German versions of foreign works.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sources are: L. M. Fischlin, Memoria theologorum Wirtembergensium, supplement, pp. 46, 376, Ulm, 1709-1710; C. F. Schnurrer, ErIäuterungen der wirtembergischen Kirchen- Reformations- und Gelehrten-Geschichte, pp. 39, 209, Tübingen, 1798; T. W. Roehrich,


Geschichte der Reformation im Elsass, i. 277, 375, ii. 19, Strasburg, 1830-32. Consult also: C. T. Keim, Schwäbische Reformationsgeschichte, pp. 24 sqq., Tübingen, 1855; Württembergische Kirchengeschichte, pp. 272 sqq., Stuttgart, 1892.

KELLER, LUDWIG KARL: German Reformed layman; b. at Fritzlar (16 m. s.w. of Cassel), Prussia, Mar. 28, 1849. He was educated at the universities of Leipsic and Marburg (Ph.D., 1873), and from 1874 to 1895 was connected with the state archives of Westphalia at Münster, where he was successively second assistant (1874-81), and director (1874-95). Since 1895 he has been privy state archivist at Berlin. Besides being editor of the Monatsschrift der Comenius-Gesellschaft, he has written the following works of theological interest: Geschichte der Wiedertäufer und ihres Reichs zu Münster (Münster, 1880); Die gegenreformation in Westfalen und am Niederrhein, Actenstücke und Erläuterungen (3 parts, Leipsic, 1886-95); Ein Apostel der Wiedertäufer (biography of Hans Denk; 1882); Die Reformation und die älteren Reformparteien in ihrem Zusammenhange dargestellt (1885); Die Waldenser und die deutschen Bibelübersetzungen (1886); and Johann von Staupitz und die Anfänge der Reformation (1888).


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