JOHANNES SCHOLASTICUS OF SCYTHOPOLIS: Bishop of Scythopolis. According to Photius (Bibliotheca, cod. xcv., p. 78, ed. Bekker, 2 vols., Berlin, 1824), a certain Johannes Scholasticus of Seythopolis wrote twelve books against the separatists of the Church; that is, the Eutychian party. Photius (cod. cvii., p. 187) doubtless correctly identified him with that Johannes Scholasticus against whom Basil the Cilician wrote an apology in the time of the Emperor Anastasius (491-518). The same author also wrote a commentary on the pseudo-Dionysian writings, about 532. According to Loofs (Leontius of Byzantium, pp. 269 sqq., Leipsic, 1887) he is also identical with Bishop Johannes of Scythopolis, who was in office about 540, and wrote against Severus of Antioch (cf. Doctrina patrum, ed. Diekamp, p. 85, M�nster, 1907; and Photius cod. ccxxxi., p. 287). Possibly, too, the Johannes Scholasticus whom St. Sabas encountered at Scythopolis about 520 (Cotelerius, Ecclesiae Graecae monumenta, iii. 327, 4 vols., Paris, 1677-92) is the same man.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Krumbacher, Geschichte, p. 56; F. Loofs, Leontius von Byzanz, pp. 269-272, Leipsic, 1887: DCB, iii. 394, 427 (nos. 363, 565, 568).
JOHANNES, ADOLF: German Roman Catholic; b. at Brendlorenzen (a village near Neustadt-ander-Saale, 40 m. n.e. of W�rzburg), Bavaria, Nov. 21, 1855. He was educated at the universities of W�rzburg, Vienna, Innsbruck, and Munich, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1881. After being curate at Heidingsfeld and Hassfurt, as well as prefect of the Julianum at W�rzburg, he was appointed professor in the Lyceum of Dillingen in 1886. Since 1900 he has been professor of Old-Testament exegesis, Biblical introduction, and Oriental languages. He has written Commentar zu den Weissagungen des Propheten Obadja (W�rzburg, 1885); Commentar zum ersten Brief des Alpostels Paulus an die Thessalonicher (Dillingen, 1898); and minor contributions.
JOHN: The name of twenty-two popes. The inconsistency in the numbers of the later ones is due to the fact that after Boniface VII. a John XV. is described in some lists as having occupied the see for four months. According to some early writers he was only elected, not consecrated, while others say that he was put forward as a candidate by the party of Boniface; but modern investigation shows that he has no claim even to the name of antipope.
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