
JERUSALEM, y�-ru'za-lem, JOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM: Apologist and theologian; b. at Osnabr�ck, Hanover, Nov. 22, 1709; d. at Wolfenb�ttel (7 m. s. of Brunswick) Sept. 2, 1789. He began the study of theology at Leipsic in 1727, continued his studies in Leyden, and for a time preached in the German church of that city. He was appointed court preacher to Duke Charles of Brunswick in Wolfenb�ttel and tutor of his son (1742); in the following year he became provost of the monasteries of the Holy Cross and St. �gidius, in 1749 abbot of Marienthal, in 1752 abbot of Riddagshausen, and in 1771 vice-president of the consistory of Wolfenb�ttel. He founded the Karolinum, an institution of learning in Brunswick, and organized the system of the poor laws. His most important work is Betrachtungen �ber die vornehmsten Wahrheiten der Religion (2 vols., Brunswick, 1768-79), which was translated into many languages and was still used in the beginning of the nineteenth century as a work on apologetics. Jerusalem took also a significant rank as preacher; two collections of his sermons appeared in Brunswick, 1745-53. His son, Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem, was the friend of Goethe who committed suicide at Wetzlar in 1772 and gave occasion for Die Leiden des jungen Werthers.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: An autobiography was printed in his Nachgelassene Schriften, Brunswick, 1793. Consult J. M. H. D�ring, Die deutschen Kanzelredner des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, Neustadt, 1830; ADB, xiii. 779; KL, vi, 1365-1366.

JESSOPP, jes'ep, AUGUSTUS: Church of England; b. at Cheshunt (13 m. n. of London), Herts, Dec. 20, 1824. He was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge (B.A., 1848), and was ordered deacon in 1848 and ordained priest in 1850. He was curate of Papworth St. Agnes, Cambridgeshire, in 1848-55, master of Helston Grammar School, Cornwall, in 1855-59, headmaster of King Edward VI.'s School, Norwich, in 1859-79, and has been rector of Scarning, Norfolk, since 1879. He has been honorary canon of Norwich, as well as honorary fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and of Worcester College, Oxford, since 1895, and chaplain in ordinary to the king since 1902. He was select preacher at Oxford in 1896, and has written or edited Donne's Essays in Divinity (London, 1855); Norwich School Sermons (1864); Dissertations on the Fragments of Primitive Liturgies and Confessions of Faith contained in the Writings of the New Testament(1871); Letters of F. Henry Walpole, from the Original Manuscripts at Stonyhurst College (Norwich, 1873); One Generation of a Norfolk House: A Contribution to Elizabethan History (London, 1876); History of the Diocese of Norwich (1884); Autobiography of Roger North (1887); Arcady for Better for Worse (1887); The Coming of the Friars, and Other Historical Essays (1888); The Trials of a Country Parson (1890); Studies of a Recluse (1892); Random Roaming (1893); Simon Ryan the Peterite (1896); Frivola (1896); The Life and Miracles of St. William of Norwich, by Thomas of Monmouth (in collaboration with M. R. James, Cambridge, 1896); John Donne, Sometime Dean of St. Paula (1897); Before the Great Pillage (1901); and William Cecil, Lord Burghley (1904).


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