
HOSPINIAN, RUDOLF: Reformed preacher and theologian; b. at Altorf, in the canton of Zurich, Nov. 7, 1547; d. at Zurich Mar. 11, 1626. From 1565 he studied at the universities of Marburg and Heidelberg. In 1568 he taught at Zurich and preached in the vicinity. In 1576 he became head of the Schola Carolina, and held this office for nineteen years, without interrupting his pastoral functions. In 1588 he was appointed archdeacon, and in 1594 pastor of the cathedral of Our Lady. He undertook extensive studies in church history, desiring to show the papists the irrelevancy of their appeal to the supposed harmony of their doctrines and institutions with the primitive Church, especially in regard to baptism, the Lord's Supper, the church festivals, fasting, monastical orders, the rule of the pope, and funerals. There appeared in succession De oriyine et progressu rituum et ceremoni,arum ecclesiasticarum (Zurich, 1585); De templis, hoc est de origine, progressu et abuse templorum, ac omnio rerum omnium ad templa pertinentium (1587; revised ed., 1603); De monachis, see de arigine et Progressu nwnachatus ac ordinum monasticorum, equitu?w militarium tam sacrorum quam steeularium omnium (1588; 1609); De festis Judworum et Ethnicorum, hoc est de origins, progressu, ceremonies et riti(nts festorum dierum Christianorum (2 vols., 1592-93; enlarged and revised, 1611 and 1612); Histaria sacramentaria (2 vols., 1598-1603), the first volume directed against papistical errors, the


second treating the sacramental disputes among Protestants under the title De origim et progressu controversies sacramentariee, de uena Domini inter Lutheranoa et orthodoxos, quos Zwinglianoa et Calvin nistas voeant, exortce ab anno 1617 usque ad annum 1618. His last work was Historia Jesuitica (1619; continued by Ludwig Lucius, 1632; partial Eng. transl., The Jesuits Manner of Consecrating Persona and Weapons Employ'd for the Murdering Kings, and Princes, by them Accounted Heretics, London, 1678; Dublin, 1681). Of his polemical works against the Lutherans may be mentioned his Concordia discors, seu de oragine et progressu formula; concordice Bergensis (1607), which was directed against the Formula of Concord. Leonard Hutter, of Wittenberg, answered in his Concordia concors (1614). A collected edition of Hospinian's works appeared at Geneva, 1681 (7 vols.), with life by J. H. Heidegger.

(E. F. Karl Müller.)

Bibliography: The life by J. H. Heidegger is used by P. Bayle. Dictionary Historical and Critical, iii. 502-505, London, 1736; of. Nouvelle hiooraphit g, xxv. 211 sqq., Paris, 1888.


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