
HUGO DE SANCTA MARIA. See Hugo of Fleury.

HUGO OF ST. CHER (De Sancto Caro) Dominican and cardinal; b. toward the end of the twelfth century at St. Cher, a suburb of Vienne; d. at Orvieto Mar. 19, 1263. He en tered the Dominican monastery of St. Jacob at Paris in 1224, and was soon promoted. In 1244 Innocent IV, made him cardinal, and under Alex ander IV. he was an active member of the Commis sion of Anagni (Charfulte universitatis Parisiensis, i. 297, 333 sqq., 337 sqq.). Hugo was very active as theological writer, and was one of the first to write a commentary (not yet printed) on Peter Lombard; his Postilla seu eommentariola junta quadrupliem sensum on the whole Bible has often been published, though it has no special merit. He is regarded as the author of the oldest Biblical correctorium, i.e., a list of more correct readings of the Latin text of the Bible (Prologue in Denifle, pp. 293 sqq.). He wishes to go back to the original text, whereby, of course, two different tasks are confounded: the restoration of the genuine text of the Vulgate, and the restoration of the most correct Latin version. Hugo's principles were adopted by most of the later medieval correctors. Another, still more important, work, whereby he became the founder of a new kind of helps for the study of the Bible, is his Sacrorum bibliorum concordantite, an alphabetically arranged compilation of the inflected words (substantives, adjectives, and verbs) found in the ecclesiastical translation of the Bible, with all the passages in which they occur. English Domin icans soon enhanced the usefulness of the work by adding the text of the different passages. The un inflected words were also added, and in this form the work was often printed in the sixteenth century. The division into chapters is wrongly attributed to Hugo; it had already been undertaken by Stephen Langton (d. 1228).

S. M. Deutsch.

Bibliography: The beat edition of his works is that of Rouen, 1648 (3 vols.), reprinted in MPL, elxxv.-elz:vii. Consult: J. H. H. 3asae~ugo von St. Cher. Seine Tolipkeit als Kardinal 124.44-$S, Bonn, 1908; the Ristoire litteraire de la France, xix. 38 sqq.; R. Simon, His. toire critique des principaux commentateurs du Nouveau Testament, ii. 114 sqq., Rotterdam, 1693; t3. Berger, in Revue e Wologie et de philosophis, xvi (1883), 41 sqq; H. Denise, Die Handschriften der Bibebtorrektoren des dreizehnten Jahrhunderte, in ALKG, iv (1888), 263 sqq., 471 sqq., Neander, Christian Church, iv. 426, 618; KL, vi. 385-387.



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