HOLY COAT: An ancient garment preserved at
Treves, and held to be the "coat without seam"
Besides Treves and Safed, other places are said to contain the Holy Coat, as Galathea, near Constantinople, San Iago de Compostella, St. John Lateran at Rome, and a Franciscan monastery in Friuli. There are, indeed, no less than twenty rivals to the HolyCoatof Treves,the most formidable being that at Argenteuil, near Paris, which can boast in its favor a brief of Gregory XVI. (Aug. 22,1843). The Holy Coat of Treves is described as five feet one and one-half inches long, and reddish-brown in color, consisting, according to some, of fine linen, and according to others, of fine muslin. It was first made an object of public veneration and pilgrimage in 1512. It was then exhibited frequently, especially in 1515 (when Leo X. issued a bull defending its authenticity), 1531, 1545, etc., evoking the anger of Luther. It was again exhibited in the seventeenth century, particularly in 1653, but the French invasions of the eighteenth century forced it to be taken for a considerable time to Ehrenbreitstein and in 1792 to Augsburg, where it remained until 1810, when it was brought back to Treves and venerated by more than 200,000 pilgrims. In 1844 it was exhibitedby Bishop Arnoldi and venerated by 1,100,000, many miraculous cures being reported. Opposition to this led to the German Catholic movement of Ronge and Czerski (see German Catholicism). Despite attacks on the authenticity of the relic, including more or less skepticism from Roman Catholics, Bishop Korum, with the sanction of Leo XIII., exhibited the Holy Coat in 1891, when it was venerated by nearly 2,000,000 pilgrims.
Bibliography: The two works in English are: E. A. Plater, The Holy Coat of Treoea, London, 1891; and R. F. Clarke, Pilgrimaps to the Holy Coat of Treves, ib. 1892, In German, from the Catholic standpoint are: J. Marx, Geschichte do* heiligen Rocks, Treves, 1844; F. J. Clemens, Der heilige Rock und die protestantische Kritik C oblens, 1845; A. J. Binterim ZoWnisae für die Ech"t des heiligen Rocks, Düsseldorf, 1845; J. N. von Wilmovsky, Der hei IiQ6 Rock sins arcA9ologische Prafung, Treves, 1878; C. Willems, Der Wigs Rock su Trier, ib. 1891; idem, Der Wigs Rock . . . und seine Gepner, ib. 1892; F. Korum, Wunder and gbttliche Gnadenerweise bei der Auaatellung des Wigen Rocks, ib. 1891; J. Hulley, Kurze GeackicAts der Walifahrt sum hsiligen Rock, ib. 1891. From the Protestant standpoint: J. Gildemeister and H. von Sybel, Der heilige Rock su Trier und die 80 anderen heiligen u ngenahten Racks, Düsseldorf, 1844; F. Jaskowski, Der Wigs Rock won Trier gerichtet von semen sigenen Freunden, &ar brileken, 1891; J. Risks, Der Trierer Rock, Hadereleben, 1891; T. Fbrster, Der heilige Rock son Trier im . . . 184,4 and 1891, Halle, 1891; 13. Benecke, Der Wigs Rock zu Trier im . . . 1891, Berlin, 1891; M. Lindner, Der heilige Rock vu Trier und die Wunderhsilungen, Leipsic, 1891; G. Kaufmann, Die Lends room heiligen ungenahten Rock und'das Verbot der .j Lateransynode, Berlin, 1892;
H. Kurtz, Trier und der heilige Rock, Zurich, 1892.Calvin College. Last modified on 08/11/06. Contact the CCEL. |