In the following genealogical table of the Hasmonean family, the numbers in parentheses preceding the name indicate the order of dynastic succession, the numbers in parentheses following the name indicate the years during which office was held, a number preceded by d. indicates date of death; m. signifies married.
Sources are I Macc.,
Mam:, and Jose
inclination. In the year 40 B.c., after a victorious campaign by the Parthians in hither Asia, Antigonus as king of Jerusalem was drawn into the conflict, and had Hyrcanus mutilated and sent to Babylon, for which he himself suffered at the hand of the lictors a sad end three years later. In the year 37 Herod was made king of Jerusalem, and was placed in possession after the capture of Jerusalem in that year. He became virtually the executioner of the Hasmonean family. Hyrcanus; eighty years of age, was enticed from Babylon, entangled in a fictitious conspiracy, and put to death. Alexander's son, Aristobulus, the brother-in-law of Herod, came naturally into the high-priesthood, but fell a victim to Herod's suspicion. A little later Marianne was executed by Herod's order. Thus a historical review of the course of the Hasmoneans reveals a wide abyss between the glorious achievements of the founder of the house, Mattathias, and the inglorious end of the last representative of the kingly
Maria I ne d. 29 m. Herod the Great. Ariatobulus d. 7.literature); J. Dereabourg, Eeaa% our Z'histoire et la g&_ graphic de la Palestine, Paris, 1857; L. F. J. Caignart de Saulcy, Hist. des Machab&a ou princes de la dynaetie aamoneerane Chateauroux 1880; W. Fairweather, From the Exile to the Advent, London, 1895; A. W. Streane, The Age of the Maccabees, ib. 1898; A. BfiChler, Die Tobiaden und die Oniaden im 11. Makkablierbuche, Vienna, 1899; S. Mathewa, Hist. of N. T. Times in Palestine, New York, 1899 (a handbook, clear and popular); J. S. Riggs, Hist. of Jewish People, Maccabean and Roman Periods, New York, 1899 (valuable as a first book); B. Niese, Kritik der biden Makkab&erbtscher, nebat Beiträgen zur Geschichte der makkabBiarhen Erhebung, Berlin, 1900; H, F. Henderson, The Age of the Maccabees, London, 1907; W. SchmidtOberlSSOnitz, D%e Makkabher, Leipsic, 1907; DB, iii: 181 187; EB iii. 2850 sqq.; the appropriate sections in the various histories of Israel and the Jews, e.g., by Ewald, Hitzig, Grata, Renan, and Wellhauaen.
On special topics consult: J. Wellhausen Pharjeae,. and Sadduc&er, Greifewald, 1874. F. W. Madden, Coins of the Jews, London, 1881. C. R. Condet, Judas Maccabeua and flee Jewish War, London, 1894. I3. Weiss , Judas Makkab4.ue, Freiburg, 1897. I. euteeh Die Regierunpa-
ze%t der jud&ischen Kdnxgin Salome Alexandra, Magdeburg, 1901; G. F. Handel, Judas Maccabeus, London, 1901.
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