HADDAN, ARTHUR WEST: English church historian; b. at Woodford (5 m. n.n.e. of London), Essex, Aug. 31, 1816; d. at Barton-on-the-Heath (15 m. s.s.e. of Stratford), Warwickshire, Feb. 8, 1873. He was educated at Brasenose College and Trinity College, Oxford (B.A., 1837; M.A., 1840; B.D., 1847). He was a scholar of Trinity College 1835-40, fellow 1840-58, classical tutor and dean 1841, and vice-president 1848. He was deeply affected by the Tractarian movement, and was particularly influenced by Isaac Williams, then a tutor at Trinity College, and also by J. H. Newman, whose curate he was in 1840 at St. Mary's, Oxford. Despite his eminent attainments the only preferments he ever received were the small college living of Barton-on-the-Heath, to which he retired in 1857, and the barren title of honorary canon of Worcester, which he received in 1870: In 1865 he was appointed Bampton lecturer, but was forced by ill health to resign the appointment. He was a thorough scholar, and all his writings are marked by extreme accuracy. The two works by which he will be remembered are, Apostolical Succession. in the Church of England (London, 1869), the final authority on the subject; and Councils arid Ecclestaetical Documents Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, in collaboration with W. Stubbs (3 vols., Oxford, 1869-78), an extremely valuable collection of sources for the early ecclesiastical history of England, based upon the works of H. Spelman and D. Wilkins. Haddan wrote much for the Guuardian and the Christian Remembrancer, contributed to the various reviews, wrote a number of articles for the DCA, edited for the Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology the works of John Bramhall (5 vols., Oxford, 1842-1845) and Herbert Thorndike (6 vols., 1844-56), and translated for NPNF (1 ser., vol. iii.) St. Augustine's De trinitate. His Remains were edited by A. P. Forbes (London, 1876).
Bibliography: Article by R. W. Church in Remains, ut sup.; DNB,,xsiii: 424-425.
HADES: The abode of departed spirits.
The Hebrew name for the abode of the dead is Sheol, and from the Hebrew the word passed into the Aramaic and Syriac versions of the Old Testament. The Septuagint has almost always translated it by Hades, registering thereby the close resemblance of the Hebrew and Greek ideas in regard to the dwelling-place of the dead.
The Israelitic conception of Sheol rests upon the
belief that the decomposition of the dead body,
by means of which dust
returns to dust
soul (nephesh) nor spirit
(rush) dwells in Hades, only the rephaim,
"the shades"
In the New Testament the word Hades is rarely
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Christianity did not so much modify the Jewish ideas of death and the abode of the dead as give to them a new foundation. The real victory of life over death was won when Jesus rose from the dead.
Bibliography: B. Btade, Ueber die allftWoomdgdien Voretellunpsn son Zustande sack deco Tode, Leipsic, 1877; idem, Bibiisdhe TheĀ»lopie des A. T., pp. 183 en., Tabin;en, 1906; T. Buraek Concerning the State of Departed Scale, 2 vols. London, 1738; J. R. Oertel. Hades, Leipsic, 1883; F. W. Farrar, Eternal Hope, London, 1878; idem, How and Judgmenk lb. 1882; E. White. Life in Christ, .ib. 1878; H. oort, in TAT, xv. (1881), 850 sqq.; 1. A. Beet, The Lad Things, London, 1905; F. Schwslly, Das Lsben naeh dome Tale, Giessen. 1892; J. Frey. TOO, Sealenplaubs and Sesunkult ire alter Israel, Leipsic, 1898; R. H. Charles, Critical Hist. of the Doctrine of a Future Life, London, 1899; A. Berth dltDie israditisrhsn 1orNelluyan sun Zutande nad rods, Freibur& 1899; DB, ii. 274-278, 843-348; EB, ii. 1338-41, iv. 4453-&l; JB, xi. 282-283; DCa, i. 527-528, 538-538; the lexicons under the words Hades, Sheol; the treatises on Biblical theology; and the literature under Dmmczirr or CBuis'r nrro Hrnn; EscasToLoar; and Garl=xA.
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