Handicraft was for the ancients a gift of God like all other knowledge, so that the Israelites naturally placed its origin in the very earliest ages of humanity.
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With the consolidation of the kingdom of Israel
under David and Solomon, the Israelites gained
access to the cities of the Canaanites
and became familiar with their civilization.
Greater prosperity
brought greater requirements, and
special trades were developed for their
satisfaction. Above all city life both required and
permitted a specialization of labor. In the cities
the artisans were grouped together in the bazaars
according to their trades. In the rural districts the
artisan went from place to place in the exercise of
his trade. The maker of agricultural implements
wandered from village to village; the goldsmith
went to the house of his customer; the armorer
always traveled about. The gathering of the work
men in gilds and the transmission of their art
from father to son took place in the same way as in
Babylonia; the organization was that of the family.
In the time of Nehemiah the gilds were put upon the
same plane as the great families
Metal-working was already well known to the
Babylonians about 3000 s.c. Their weapons were
always of bronze or of copper, hardened
by an alloy of tin. Since copper
is found in Lebanon and was
thence to the Babylonians, it is not
surprising that bronze arrow- and lace-heads,
axes, knives, chisels, and nails, dating from about
2000 B.C. and later, have been found in Gaza, Megiddo,
and Taanach. Iron, on the other hand, was
known to the Canaanites and Babylonians only
from about 1000 B.C., and it only gradually took
the place of bronze. When the "iron" chariots
of the Canaanites are mentioned, the writer had in
mind the conditions of his own time; chariots
sheathed with bronze must be meant. According
to the results of the excavations and to the Biblical
accounts, bronze was the metal most in use during
the earlier years of the monarchy. Helmet, shield,
breast-plate, greaves, and sword are of bronze
The Phenicians always had a, kind of monopoly
of the fabrication of vases, dishes, etc., and it can
not be determined in the case of such
objects whether they were made by
the Israelites or were
brought from
Phenicia. The same may be said of
ornaments and other objects made of the precious
metals. The goldsmith (zoreph) is often mentioned.
That the people were familiar with his work is
shown by the metaphors referring to this craft used
by the prophets, such as the melting of gold in the
crucible, its purification with alkaline salt (bor,
Calvin College. Last modified on 08/11/06. Contact the CCEL. |