GOLDZIHER, gold'zi-her, IGNATIUS: Hungarian Jewish Orientalist; b. at Stuhlweissenburg (35
m. sm. of Budapest), Hungary, June 22, 1850.
He was educated at the universities of
Berlin, Leipsic (Ph.D., 1870), and Leyden. He
was privat-docent at Budapest in 1871-72, and in
1873,84 traveled in Syria, Palestine, and Egypt.
He was secretary of the Jewish community at Budapest from 1876 to 1905 and in 1894 was appointed
professor of Semitic philology in the University of
Budapest, while since 1900 he has been lecturer on
the philosophy of religion in the Jewish Theological
Seminary of the same city. He served as one of the
members of the foreign board of consulting editors
of the
Jewish Encyclopedia,
to which he also contributed (1901-05). He is particularly known for
his researches in Mohammedanism. In theology
he adheres to the critical method in all problems.
He has written Sttudim
caber Tanchum jerusehalmi
(Leipsic, 1870);
Der Mythos bei den Hebretem und seine geschichtliche Entudcklung
(1876; Eng. transl.,
Hebrew Mythology,
by R. Martineau, London, 1877);
Az Iszldm
(Budapest, 1881);
Die z4hiriten, ihr
Lehrsystem und ihre Geschichte
(Leipsic, 1884);
Muhammedanische Studim (2
vols., Halle, 1889-1890);
Der Diwdn des Garwal ben Aus Al-Hufej'a
(Leipsic, 1893);
Abhandlungen zur arabischen
Philologie (2 vols., Leyden, .1896-99);
Le Livre de Mohammed tZn Toumert, Mahdi des Almohades
(Algiers, 1903); and
A Buddismus hatdsa az
1szldmra (Budapest, 1903); and has edited
Kitab ma ani al-nafs (Göttingen, 1907).
German Protestant; b. at Langenbruck (16 m. s.e.
of Basel), Switzerland, July 31, 1870. He was educated at the universities of Berlin, Halle, and Bonn
(lic. theol., Berlin, 1893), was vicar at
Fehrbellin (1895-96), and pastor at Deyelsdorf, Pommerania
(1898-1902). In 1902 he became privat-docent
for practical theology at the University of Berlin,
where he still remains. He has written
Das Gebet in der dltesten Christenheit
(Leipsic, 1901); Reisebilder am dem griechischrturkischen Orient
(Halle, 1902); and Der Dienat der Frau in der christlichen
Kirche (Potsdam' 1905); Athanasius de Virginitate (Leipsic, 1905); and
Tisehgebete and Abendmahlgebete in der allchristlwhen uttd griechischen Kirche