
GOESCHEL, gö'shel, KARL FRIEDRICH: German jurist and philosopher; b. at Langensalza (25 m. n.w. of Erfurt), Thuringia, Oct. 7, 1784; d. at Naumburg (22 m. s.s.w. of Halle) Sept. 22, 1861. He received his first education at Gotha, and in 1803 began the study of jurisprudence at the University of Leipsic, where he remained until 1806, when he was appointed a magistrate in his native town. There he remained for twelve years, and during that period gathered material from the town archives for a Chronik der Stadt Langensalza in Thiiringen (4 vols., Langensalza, 1818-44). After the acquisition of Saxony, the Prussian government required officials acquainted with the law and administration of the new province, and G6scheI was accordingly called to Naumburg in 1819 as a justice of the Superior Court, holding this office until 1834. From 1834 to 1845 he officiated as a secretary in the ministry of justice in Berlin, where he was occupied chiefly with ecclesiastical affairs; while in 1845 he was appointed a member of the council of state, and president of the consistory of the province of Saxony, with residence in Magdeburg, until the revolution of 1848 forced him to take refuge in flight.

The main endeavor of Gbschel's life was the reconciliation of Christianity with modern culture, of which Hegel was the philosophical, and Goethe the poetical, representative. Among his numerous works may be mentioned: Ueber Goethea Faust and dessen Fortsetzung, nebst einem Anhange vom ewigen Juden (Leipsic, 1824); Cdcilius and Octavius, oder Gesprache aer die vornehmaten Einwenr dungen gegen die christliche Wahrheit (Berlin, 1828); Von den Beweisen für die Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele im Lichte der spekulativen Philosophie (1835); Beiträge zur apekulativen Philosophie von Gott and dem Menachen and dem Gott-Menschen (1838), and Unterhaltungen zur Schilderung Goethescher Dicht- and Denkweise (3 vols., Sehleusingen, 1834-38). He also published a collection of essays entitled Zeratreute Blotter alts den Hand- and HWfsAden eines Juristen (3 vols., Erfurt, 1832-42), and likewise wrote a noteworthy treatise on Die Konr kardienformel naeh ihrer Geschichte, Lehre and kirchlichen Bedeutung (Leipsic, 1858).

GOETTLER, göt'ler, JOSEF: German Roman Catholic; b. at Dachau (25 m. s.e. of Augsburg) Mar. 9, 1874. He was educated at Scheyern, Freising, and Munich (1885-98), and since 1904 has been privat-docent for dogmatic theology at the University of Munich, as well as vicar of St. Cajetan's. He has edited G. Gundlach's ExerzitienVortrage (2 vols., Munich, 1904), and has written St. Thomas von Aquino uned die vortridentinischen Thomisten t2ber die Wirkung des Bussakramentes (Freiburg, 1904); and Der Münchener katechetische Kura (Kempten, 1906).


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