GODEAU, g6'do', ANTOINE: Bishop of Grasse, and then of Vence; b. at Dreux (45 m. w. of Paris), in the diocese of Chartres, 1605; d. at Vence (14 m. n.e. of Grasse) Apr. 21, 1672. He devoted himself first to poetry, but later entered the clergy and became bishop of Grasse in 1636 and afterward of Vence. At the conventions of the clergy in 1645 and 1655 he attacked the Jesuit system of ethics. He wrote Histoire de liglise depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'h la fin du neuvieme siMe (5 vols., Paris, 1653-78), Version expliquee du Nouveau Testament (2 vols., 1668), Les Psaumes de David, traduits en vers fran gais (1649), biographies of Paul, Augustine, Carlo Borromeo, Fastes de l'6glise, a poem of 15,000 verses, and other works.
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Bibliography: P. Pelliseon-Fontanier Hist. de l'académie française, Paris, 1653; B. Racine, Abrégé de l'hist. ecclesiastique, vol. xii., Paris; Lichtenberger, ESR, v. 618-619.
GODEHARD, SAINT. See Gotthard, Saint.
GODET, go"dg', FREDERIC LOUIS: Swiss Reformed; b. at Neuchâtel Oct. 25, 1812; d. there Oct. 29, 1900. He was educated in his native city and at the universities of Bonn and Berlin. After his ordination in 1836, he was assistant pastor at Valangin, near Neuch£tel, for a year, and was then tutor to Crown Prince Frederick William of Prussia (1838-44). He was a supply for churches in the Val-de-Ruy (1844-51), and pastor at Neuchftel (1851-66). In 1850-73 he was also professor of exegetical and critical theology in the theological school of the established church of the canton, but withdrew from that body in 1873 and became a professor in the theological academy of the Free Church of the canton of Neuchâtel. He held this position until 1887, when he retired from active life. He wrote Histoire de la Réformation et du refuge daps le pays de Neuchdtel (Neuehhtel, 1859); Commentaire sur lWangile de saint Jean (2 vols., Paris, 1864-65; Eng. transl. by F. Crombie and M. D. Cusin, 3 vols., Edinburgh, 1877); Conf6rences apolog&iques (Neucbhtel, 1870; Eng. transl. by W. H. Lyttleton under the title Lectures; in Defence of the Christian Faith, Edinburgh, 1881); Commentaire sur l'Evangile de saint Luc, (1871; Eng. transl. by E. W. Shalders and M. D. Cusin, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1875); etudes bibliques (2 vols., Neuchatel, 1873-74; Eng. transl. by W. H. Lyttleton under the title Old Testament Studies and New Testament Studies, 2 vols., London, 1875-76); Commentaire sur fgpftre aux Romains (2 vols., 1879-80; Eng. transl. by A. Cusin, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1880=81); Commentaire sur la premiere 6petre aux Corinthians (2 vols., 1886; Eng. transl. by A. Cusin, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1886-87); and Introduction au Nouveau Testament (2 vols., Paris, 1893-98; Eng. transl. by W. Affieck, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1894-99).
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