
EATON, ARTHUR WENTWORTH HAMILTON: Protestant Episcopalian; b. at Kentville, Nova Scotia, Dec. 10, 1849. He was educated at Harvard College (A.B., 1880), and was ordered deacon in 1884 and ordained priest in the following year. After being rector of St. Andrew's, Chestnut Hill, Mass. (1885-86), he spent two years in Europe, and since 1888 has been head of the department of English literature in the Cutler School, New York City. In theology he is a Broad-churchman of the Maurice and Phillips Brooks type. He has written The Heart of the Creeds; Historical Religion in the Light of Modern Thought (New York, 1888); Acadian Legends and Lyrics (1889); The Church of England in Nova Scotia and the Tory Clergy of the Revolution (1891); Tales of a Garrison Town (in collaboration with C. L. Betts; 1892); Acadian Ballads (New York, 1905); and Poems of the Christian Year (1905). He has also edited several works of English literature.

EBED JESU, i'bed ji'su: Nestorian theologian; b. in Mesopotamia about the middle of the thirteenth century; d. at Nisibis, in Armenia, Nov., 1318. He became bishop of Sinjar (60 m. w. of Mogul) about 1285, and in 1291 metropolitan of Nisibis. His importance is principally of a literary character, since he is regarded as the last great writer of the Nestoriana. The most important of his works is the metrical "Catalogue" of Syriac authors, in which in four books he treats of the writings of the Old and the New Testament, of translations from the Greek into Syriac, and of works originally written in Syriac, especially Neetorian productions. Other works of note are " The Pearl," a dogmatic work, in five parts; the Nomocanon, a collection of the canons of synods; and Paradises Eden, a collection of poems. Other works have been lost.

The name is frequent among the Syrians, and is pronounced by them Abdisho or Odisho. A mar tyr of this name is referred to in H. Feige's Geschichte des Mar Abhdiso (Kiel, 1889), while a bishop of the name, a convert to Romaniam, was present at the last session of the Council of Trent and is pictured at the entrance to the Sistine Chapel at Rome (cf. G. E. Khayyath, Sywi orien tales, p. 124, Rome, 1870).

(E. Nestle.)

Bibliography: The "Catalogue" was edited by Abraham Ecchellenais, Rome, 1853; by J. 8. Aeeemsn, with Latin transl. and commentary, in Bsbliothsca orierualia, iii. 1, pp. 1-382, Rome, 1728; an Eng. transl. appears in Appendix A of G. P. Badger's Nattorians and their Ritual, ii. 381-379, London, 1852, which contains also a fraud. of " The Pearl," ii. 380 sqq.; " The Pearl " is also in A. Mai, Scrip torum roelerum nova coltectio, ii. 317 sqq., 10 vols., Rome, 1826-38, where (pp. 189 sqq.) will be found also the Nomocanon. The poems were edited by H. Giemondi at Beirut, 1888 (cf. Nöldeke in ZDM(#, 1889, aliii. 875, and Zingerle, in the same, 1875, xxiz 498). Consult: W. Wright, A Short Hist. of Syriac Literature, pp. 285 sqq. London, 1894; & Duval, La Ltd*ature ayriaqus, Paris, 1000.


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