
« Burgess, Daniel Burgess, Frederick Burgess, George »

Burgess, Frederick

BURGESS, FREDERICK: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Long Island; b. at Providence, R. I, Oct. 6, 1853. He was educated at Brown University (B.A., 1873), the General Theological Seminary (1874–75), and Oxford University (1876), and was successively rector of Grace Church, Amherst, Mass. (1878–83), Christ Church, Pomfret, Conn. (1883–89), Grace Church, Bala, Pa. (1889–96), Christ Church, Detroit (1896–98), and Grace Church, Brooklyn (1898–1902). In 1902 he was consecrated bishop of Long Island.

« Burgess, Daniel Burgess, Frederick Burgess, George »
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