
« Bulgaria Bulgarian National Church in the United States,… Bulgarians, Conversion of the »

Bulgarian National Church in the United States, The

BULGARIAN NATIONAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES, THE: There are, according to moderate calculations, about 25,000 Bulgarians in the United States and Canada, the immigration of Bulgarians becoming greater since 1903. They have settled in large numbers at Granite City and Madison, Ill.; Hopkins, Mich.; and St. Louis, Mo., and are scattered also farther westward, while a considerable number of them are to be found in New York City, and also in Toronto and parts of northern Canada. The first Bulgarian church in the United States was built in 1907 in Madison, Ill., being followed by those at Granite City and St. Louis. There are at present three Bulgarian priests in the United States.

A. A. Stamouli.

« Bulgaria Bulgarian National Church in the United States,… Bulgarians, Conversion of the »
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