
« Budé, Guillaume Buder, Paul von Buechner, Gottfried »

Buder, Paul von

BUDER, bū´der, PAUL VON: German Protestant; b. at Leutkirch (40 m. e. of Ulm) Feb. 15, 1836. He was educated at the University of Tübingen (Ph.D., 1858), and, after being lecturer at the theological seminary attached to that institution from 1861 to 1865, was successively deacon and inspector of schools at Backnaag from 1865 to 1868 and second court-preacher, as well as assistant in the consistory and a member of the theological examining board, in Stuttgart from 1868 to 1872. In the latter year he became associate professor of dogmatics and New Testament exegesis and supervisor of the theological seminary of the University of Tübingen, where he was full professor from 1877. Retired from active duties, 1910. He has written Ueber die apologetische Aufgabe der Theologie der Gegenwart (Tübingen, 1876).

« Budé, Guillaume Buder, Paul von Buechner, Gottfried »
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