Boehmer, Eduard
BOEHMER, bŪ´mer, EDUARD: German theologian and Romance scholar; b. at Stettin May 24,
1827; d. at Lichtental Feb. 5,1906. He was educated
at the universities of Halle and Berlin, and in 1854
became privat-docent for theology in Halle. He
later turned his attention to Romance, and in 1866
was appointed associate professor in that subject in
Halle, becoming full professor two years later.
In 1872 he was called to Strasburg in the same
capacity, but retired with the title of professor
emeritus in 1879. Among his numerous works
those of theological importance are Ueber Verfasser und Abfassungszeit der johanneischen
Apokalypse (Halle, 1855); Das erste Buch des Thora
(1862); Franzisca Hernandez und Frai Franzisco
Ortiz (Leipsic, 1866); Bibliotheca Wiffeniana:
Spanish Reformers of two Centuries from 1520 (2
vols., Strasburg, 1874–83); and Des Apostels Paulus
Brief an die Römer (Bonn, 1886).