
« Bierling, Ernst Rudolf Bigelmaier, Andreas Bigg, Charles »

Bigelmaier, Andreas

BIGELMAIER, bî´´gel-mɑi´er, ANDREAS: German Roman Catholic; b. at Oberhausen (a suburb of Augsburg) Oct. 21, 1873. He was educated at the University of Munich (Th.D., 1899) and was ordained to the priesthood in 1897. From October to November, 1897, he was chaplain at Hörzhausen, in 1904 became privat-docent for church history at the University of Munich; in 1906 professor of church history in the Royal Lyceum of Dillingen. Besides numerous contributions to literary and theological periodicals, he has written Die Beteiligungen der Christen am öffentlichen Leben in vorkonstantinischer Zeit (Munich, 1902) and Zeno von Verona (1904).

« Bierling, Ernst Rudolf Bigelmaier, Andreas Bigg, Charles »
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