Bevan, Llewelyn David
BEVAN, LLEWELYN DAVID: Congregationalist; b. at Llanelly (15 m. s.e. of Carmarthen),
Carmarthenshire, Wales, Sept. 11, 1842. He
77studied at New College, London (B. A., University
of London, 1881; LL.B., 1866), and after being
assistant minister to Thomas Binney at the
King's Weigh-House Chapel, London (1865–69),
held pastorates at Tottenham-Court Road Chapel,
London (1869–76), the Brick Presbyterian Church,
New York City (1876–82), and Highbury Quadrant Church, London (1882–86). Since 1886 he
has been pastor of the Collins Street Congregational Church, Melbourne, Victoria. While in
England, he was associated with F. D. Maurice in the Workingmen's College, London, and
was for several years a professor in New College.