Bertholdt, Leonhard
BERTHOLDT, LEONHARD: Professor at Erlangen; b. at Emskirchen (14 m. w.n.w. of Nuremberg), Bavaria, May 8, 1774; d. at Erlangen Mar. 22, 1822. He studied at Erlangen and became
professor extraordinary on the philosophical faculty
1805; full professor of theology 1810, in recognition of his work upon Daniel (2 vols., Erlangen,
1806-08). His principal work was the Historischkritische Einleitung in die sämmtlichern kanonischen
und apokryphischen Schriften des Alten und Neuen Testaments
(6 vols., 1812). Of less interest is his Einleitung in die theologischen Wissenschaften
(2 vols., 1821–22); and of still less, his Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte
(2 vols., 1822–23). As a teacher, however, and as editor of the Kritisches
Journal der neuesten theologischen Litteratur, one of
the principal organs of the rationalistic party,
his activity was stimulating in many ways.