
« Bersier, Eugène Artur Francois Bertheau, Carl Bertheau, Ernst »

Bertheau, Carl

BERTHEAU, bār´´tō´, CARL: German Lutheran; b. at Hamburg July 8, 1836. He was educated at the universities of Göttingen (1855–57, 1858–59) and Halle (1857–58), and after teaching in the schools of his native city became pastor of St. Michael's Church there in 1867. Since 1897 he has been president of the Hamburg Verein für innere Mission. In theology he belongs to the positive evangelical school. He prepared the third volume of K. Hirsche's Prolegomena zu Thomas à Kempis (Berlin, 1894) and edited Luther's catechisms (Hamburg, 1896).

« Bersier, Eugène Artur Francois Bertheau, Carl Bertheau, Ernst »
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