Arndt, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm
German Lutheran; b. at Berlin June 24, 1802;
300d. there May 8, 1881. He began his theological
studies at the University
of Berlin in 1820, and in
1829 became assistant minister to the bishop of the
of Saxony. His sermons delivered in the
cathedral of Magdeburg attracted large audiences
and his influence was especially marked among the higher classes and the learned.
Called to Berlin in 1833 as associate pastor, he succeeded to the office of head
preacher in 1840, retiring in 1875 because of his dissatisfaction with the reorganization
of the church system effected two years previously. During his long pastorate at
Berlin, Arndt established his reputation as one of the most eloquent pulpit orators
of his time, and his volumes of sermons, frequently issued, constituted highly important
contributions to German homiletic literature. As at Magdeburg, his congregation
included persons of great eminence, among them such theologians as Neander and Hengstenberg.
Arndt’s remarkable power in the pulpit consisted in an exceptional gift for psychological
analysis and shrewd observation and an extremely forcible style. He did not, however,
escape the danger of dogmatism, and doctrine and formulas constituted for him an
important part of the Christian life. His thought shows little development throughout
his long career and the attitude revealed in his earliest works is the same found
in his later sermons. Of the numerous collections of these mention may be made of
Das christliche Leben (Magdeburg, 1834); Predigten über Davidis Leben
(1836); Das Vaterunser (1837); Die Bergpredigt Jesu Christi (1838).
He also wrote Das Leben Jesu Christi (1850–55), and Die gottesdienstlichen
Handlungen der evangelischen Kirche (1860).
(Hans Kessler.)