
« American and Foreign Christian Union American Lectures On the History of Religions American Missionary Association »

American Lectures On the History of Religions

AMERICAN LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS: A lectureship made possible by the union of a number of universities and theological seminaries in the United States, each of which provides a sum proportionate to the requirements of the year. The lectures are under the care of a committee consisting of representatives of the institutions which unite in furnishing the funds and hearing the lectures. The courses thus far delivered and published are:

1895: T. W. Rhys Davids, Buddhism: Its History and Literature, New York, 1895.

1896: D. G. Brinton, Religions of Primitive Peoples, ib. 1897.

1898: T. K. Cheyne, Jewish Religious Life after the Exile, ib. 1898.

1899: K. Budde, The Religion of Israel to the Exile, ib. 1899.

1903: G. Steindorff, The Religion of the Early Egyptians, ib. 1905.

1908: G. W. Knox, The Development of Religion in Japan, ib. 1906.

« American and Foreign Christian Union American Lectures On the History of Religions American Missionary Association »
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