Allen, Alexander Viets Griswold
ALLEN, ALEXANDER VIETS GRISWOLD: Protestant Episcopalian; b. at Otis, Mass., May 4,
1841. He was educated at Kenyon College, Gambier, O. (B.A., 1862), and Andover Theological
Seminary (1865), and was ordained priest in the
Protestant Episcopal Church in 1865. He was the
founder and first rector of St. John’s Church,
Lawrence, Mass., in 1865-67, and in the latter year
was appointed professor of church history in the
Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass.,
where he still remains. Since 1886 he has been a
member of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
His principal writings are: Continuity of Christian
Thought (Boston, 1884); Life of Jonathan Edwards
(1889); Religious Progress (1893; lecture delivered
at Yale University); Christian Institutions (New
York, 1897); and Life and Letters of Phillips Brooks (1900).