Allard, Paul
ALLARD, ɑ̄l´´lɑ̄r´, PAUL: Layman, French
Christian archeologist; b. at Rouen Sept. 15, 1841. He
was educated at the Collège Libre de Bois-Guillaume
(near Rouen) and at the Faculté de Droit of
Paris. He was admitted to the bar, and for many
years has been a judge in the civil court of his native
city. He is a member of the Rouen Academy, as
well as of the Académie de Religion Catholique and
the Académie Pontificale d’Archéologie, both of
Rome. He is likewise a corresponding member
of the Société des Antiquaires de France, and the
editor of the Revue des traditions historiques of
Paris. His chief works are: Les Esclaves chrétiens
depuis les premiers temps de l’Église jusqu’à la fin
de la domination romaine en Occident (Paris, 1876;
crowned by the French Academy); L’Art paien
sous les empereurs chrétiens (1879); Esclaves, serfs
et mainmortables (1884); Histoire des persécutions
(4 vols., 1882-90); Le Christianisme et l’empire
romain de Néron a Thédose (1897); Saint Basile
(1898); Études d’histoire et d’archéologie (1898);
Julian l’Apostat (3 vols., 1900-03; crowned by the
French Academy); Les Chrétiens et l’incendie de
Rome sous Néron (1903); Les Persécutions et la
critique moderne (1903); and Dix leçons sur le
martyre (1906). He has also made a translation,
with additions and notes, of the Roma Sotterranea
of Northcote and Brownlow under the title Rome
souterraine (Paris, 1873).