Albertini, Johann Baptist von
ALBERTINI, ɑ̄l´´ber-tî´nî, JOHANN BAPTIST VON: Moravian bishop; b. at Neuwied (on the
Rhine; 8 m. n.n.w. of Coblenz) Feb. 17, 1769; d. at
Bertheladorf, near Herrnhut, Dec. 6, 1831. He
was educated at Neuwied, at Niesky (1782-85),
and at the theological seminary of Barby (1785-88).
From 1788 to 1810 he taught in the school at Niesky;
from 1810 to 1821 he was preacher and bishop in
Niesky, Gnadenberg, and Gnadenfrei (Silesia); in
1821 he became a member, and in 1824 president,
of the Elders’ Conference in the department for
Church and school. He published: Predigten (1805);
Geistliche Lieder (1821); and Reden (1832). Some
of his spiritual songs are of rare beauty. He was
a fellow student and friend of Schleiermacher.