Alberti, Valentin
ALBERTI, ɑ̄l-bɑ̄r´-tî, VALENTIN: Lutheran; b.
at Ulm (60 m. w.s.w. of Breslau), Silesia, Dec. 15,
1635; d. in Leipsic Sept. 19, 1697. He studied
in the latter city and spent most of his life there,
being professor extraordinary of theology from
1672. As a representative of the orthodoxy of
his time he wrote against Pufendorf and Scheffling, but is noteworthy chiefly for his part
in the Pietistic controversy. In Feb., 1687, he
furnished a meeting-place in his house for the collegia
philobiblica, which brought on the controversy
in Leipsic (see Pietism). Nevertheless, in 1696
he published an Ausführlicher Gegenantwort auf
Speners sogenannte gründliche Vertheidigung seiner
und der Pietisten Unschuld.