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Aaberg, J. C., 468f.
Abney, Sir Thomas, 217.
Abolition movement, 380, 381, 403.
Achtliederbuch, 47, 54.
Adam of St. Victor, 40.
Adams, Sarah, 183, 287, 296, 297ff.
Adams, Sarah Flower, 183.
Addison, Joseph, 211, 212, 213, 215.
A Few Godly Hymns Derived from Holy Writ, 151.
Afzelius, Arvid, 169, 175.
Ahnfelt, Oskar, 178ff.
Ahnfelt’s Songs, 179.
Ainsworth, Henry, 347.
Albinus, 466.
Alden, John, 347.
Alexander, Archbishop William, 305.
Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem, 19.
Alexander, Cecil, 297, 304, 305ff, 311.
Alexander, James W., 36.
Alexandrian liturgy, 16.
Alin, Svante, 183.
Altenberg, Johann M., 76, 79.
Ambrose, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31.
America, 389, 392.
American Hymnody, 345ff.
American Lutheran Church, 470.
American Lutheran Hymnal, 457, 465, 468, 470.
American Lutheran Hymnody, 463ff.
America’s first woman hymnist, 353ff.
American translators of Lutheran hymns, 464ff.
America’s greatest hymn, 383ff.
Anatolius, 22.
Anderson, George N., 49.
Andreae, Jacob, 60.
Andreae, Laurentius, 150.
Anglican Hymnology, 242.
Angelic hymn, 12, 13.
Antichrist, Pope as, 53.
Aquinas, Thomas, 40.
Arians, 21, 22, 25, 26.
Arminianism, 234.
Arnold, Dr., 280.
Arnold, Gottfried, 109.
Arnold, Matthew, 217.
Arrebo, Bishop A., 203.
Arrhenius, Jacob, 158, 159, 467.
Åström, Johan, 169, 173, 174.
Athanasius, 28.
Augsburg Confession, 128.
Augustana Synod Hymnal, 170, 457, 467.
Augustine, 16, 27, 28, 67, 407.
Bach, John S., 36, 61, 89, 117ff.
Baptist Church, Greatest hymnist of, 246.
Baptist Missionary Society, 264.
Bardesanes, 21.
Baring-Gould, Sabine, 322, 323ff.
Barlow, Joel, 350.
Battle Hymn of the Reformation, 42.
Baxter, Lydia, 183, 433.
Bay Psalmist, 348ff.
Beddome, Benjamin, 247.
Beecher, Henry Ward, 230, 399.
Beecher, Lyman, 399.
Beethoven, 120.
Behm, Martin, 61, 465.
Believe me, if all those endearing young charms, 259.
Bentley, 29.
Bengel, Johann A., 111, 113.
Berg, Carolina V. (Sandell), 176, 177ff, 467.
Bernard of Clairvaux, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 89, 320, 385, 455.
Bernard of Cluny, 39, 318.
Bersell, Anders O., 467.
Beza, Theodore de, 94.
Bickersteth, Bishop, 287.
Björk, Erik, 463.
Bliss, Philip P., 440, 441ff.
Borthwick sisters, 298, 307, 308, 309.
Boer War, 83.
Boethius, Jacob, 155.
Bogatzky, Karl H. von, 106.
Bohemian Brethren, 128.
Bonar, Andrew, 313.
Bonar, Horatius, 310, 311ff.
Bourgeois, Louis, 94.
Bowring, John, 332, 333ff.
Boxer uprising, 335.
Boye, 468.
Brandenburg Margrave of, 77.
Brandt, 200.
Breed, Dr., 297, 375.
Brentano, Clemens, 71.
Brooks, Phillips, 426, 427ff.
Brorson, Hans Adolph, 183, 190, 191ff, 197, 200, 468.
Brown, Samuel R., 355, 356.
Brown, Phoebe Hinsdale, 352.
Browning, Mrs., 257.
Brueckner, H., 465.
Bruun, 468.
Bryant, William Cullen, 366, 367ff, 383.
Buchanan, Claudius, 251.
Budbäraren, 178.
Bunyan, John, 217.
Burial of Moses, 307.
Burney, 131.
Burns, Robert, 185, 380.
Calvin, 93, 94, 209, 215.
Calvinistic Methodist, 243.
Cantata, Church, 117, 120.
Cantus Romanus, 31.
Carey, William, 104, 129, 264.
Carlyle, Thomas, 50.
Cary, Phoebe, 297.
Carlsson, Bishop Carl, 156.
Catholic League, 77.
Catholic Schola Cantorum, 121.
Cassel, 82.
Caswall, Edward, 38, 320, 321.
Cennick, John, 242.
Charles II, King of England, 210.
Chautauqua movement, 446.
Chautauqua vesper hymn, 444, 445ff.
Chelsea, 408.
Chemnitz, Martin, 60.
Cholera plague, 400.
Christaller, 50.
Christian Ballads, 408, 409.
Christian Singers of Germany, 308.
Christian IV, King of Denmark, 185.
Christian V, King of Denmark, 185.
Christian VI, King of Denmark, 192.
Christian Year, The, Keble’s, 279ff.
Christus, Oratorio, 66.
Chrysostom, 16.
Civil War, 401.
Claudius, Matthias, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139.
Clausnitzer, Tobias, 74.
Clement of Alexandria, 18, 19, 20.
Collegia Pietatis, 103.
Cologne, Cathedral of, 82.
Conrad, Emperor, 38.
Consecration poet, 327, 329.
Controversial period, 59ff.
Copenhagen, Bombardment of, 198.
Coronation hymn, 238, 241.
Cotta, Ursula, 43.
Council of Constance, 45.
Council of Laodicea, 23.
Council of Nicaea, 21.
Cowper, William, 250, 252, 253ff, 351.
Cox, Samuel H., 409.
Coxe, Arthur Cleveland, 406, 407ff.
Creation hymn, 212.
Cronenwett, Emanuel, 465f.
Crosby, Fanny, 177, 297, 331, 434ff.
Crosby, Fanny, of Sweden, 177ff.
Cruger, Johann, 70, 85.
Crull, August, 465.
Crusades, 35, 38, 39.
Crusaders’ Hymn, 130, 131.
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, 325.
Cuyler, Theodore, 266.
Dach, Simon, 73.
D’Aubigne, 48.
Dana, Richard H., 367.
David, Christian, 270.
Decius, Nicolaus, 52, 56, 57, 308.
Defoe, Daniel, 217.
Delaware Swedes, 155, 156, 463.
Diet of Augsburg, 48.
Doane, George Washington, 374, 375ff.
Doane, William C., 377.
Doane, William H., 438.
Dober, Leonard, 128.
Doddridge, Philip, 220, 221ff, 351.
Doving, C., 468.
Doxology of the Church of Sweden, 157.
Doxology, Long Meter, 209.
Draus vor Schleswig, 71.
Duffield, S. W., 101, 437.
Duffield, George, 231, 418, 419ff.
Dwight, Timothy, 346, 347ff.
Dykes, John B., 272, 286.
Early Christian Chants, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Early Christian Hymnody, 11ff.
East India Company, 273.
Eastern Church, 17, 21, 23.
Eber, Paul, 54, 55, 56, 83.
Ecce Homo, Sternberg’s, 328.
Edwards, Jonathan, 349, 350.
Eklund, Alfred, 183.
Elliott, Charlotte, 177, 274, 275ff, 297, 298.
Emerson, 100.
English Hymnody, 207ff.
England’s first woman hymnist, 245.
Ephrem Syrus, 21.
Erfurt Enchiridion, 47.
Esch, Johannes, 46.
Esling, Catherine, 297.
Eusebius, 19.
Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 144.
Evers, Edvard, 183.
Faber, Frederick W., 288, 289.
Fabricius, 78.
Falckner, Daniel, 463.
Falckner, Justus, 462, 463, 464.
Father of Evangelical Hymnody, 43.
Father of public high school in Scandinavia, 201.
Father of Swedish hymnody, 152.
Fawcett, John, 247.
Ferdinand III, Emperor, 90.
Fess, Bishop, 239.
Fields, James T., 254.
Findlater, Sarah Borthwick, 125, 308, 309.
First American Hymn, 346.
First German Lutheran church, 463.
First German Lutheran pastor, 463.
First missionary hymn, 106.
Formula of Concord, 50, 60, 63.
Fortunatus, Venantius, 30, 32, 33.
Foss, Claude W., 466f.
Fox, William Johnson, 298.
Franck, Johann, 74, 75.
Francis I, King of France, 93.
Francke, August Hermann, 103ff, 127.
Francke, G. A., 105, 107, 109, 110.
Franco-Prussian War, 82.
Franzén, Frans M., 168, 169ff, 466f.
Frederick the Great, 48, 71, 82, 113.
Fredrik V, King of Denmark, 136.
Freuden Spiegel, 66, 203.
Freylinghausen, Johann A., 102, 105, 106, 108, 229, 464.
Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Prussia, 86.
Fritsch, Ahasuerus, 90.
Fugitive slave law, 381, 403.
Garve, Carl B., 144.
Geijer, Erik G., 169, 172, 466.
Geistliches Liederkästlein, 112.
Geistreiches Gesangbuch, 105, 464.
Gellert, Christian, 136, 137.
Gems by the Wayside, 433.
Genevan Psalter, 94.
Gerhardt, Paul, 36, 70, 84, 85ff, 93, 94, 99, 117, 136, 138, 229, 308.
German hymnody, 41ff.
Gerok, Karl von, 145, 146.
Gettysburg, Battle of, 401.
Gladden, Washington, 448, 449ff.
Gluck, 120.
Goethe, 136, 137, 138.
Golden Age of Latin Hymnody, 35ff.
Golden Age of Swedish hymnody, 169.
Golden Legend, 29.
Gospel hymn movement, 433, 435ff, 441ff.
Gospel Magazine, 234.
Gotter, 466.
Grant, Sir Robert, 272, 273.
Greek and Syriac hymns, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.
Gregorian music, 31.
Gregory Nazianzen, 22.
Gregory the Great, 31.
Grieg, Edvard, 193.
Gruber, Franz, 133.
Grundtvig, Nikolai, 183, 189, 197ff, 468.
Gustavus Adolphus, 49, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79.
Gustavus Vasa, 149, 150, 153.
Halle Institutions, 103ff, 127, 191.
Halle movement, 119, 127, 135.
Hallel Series, 13.
Hallelujah Chorus, 66.
Handel, 66, 120.
Hanser, Adolf T., 461.
Harmonius, 21.
Harms, Claus, 141.
Hassler, Hans Leo, 36.
Hastings, Thomas, 260, 261, 350ff.
Havergal, Frances, 177, 297, 327ff.
Haydn, 212.
Haystack meeting, 389.
Heber, Reginald, 268, 269ff, 390.
Hedborn, Samuel J., 169, 171, 172, 467.
Heermann, Johann, 69, 70, 71, 136.
Heine, 48, 112.
Held, Heinrich, 71, 72, 463.
Herberger, Valerius, 62.
Hermann, Nicholas, 56.
Hernösand, Bishop of, 169.
Herrnhut, 128, 129, 265.
Herrnhut movement, 119.
Hexaemeron, Bishop A. Arrebo’s, 203.
Hilary of Gaul, 25.
Hiller, Philipp P., 110, 111ff, 465.
Holden, Oliver, 241.
Holm, 468.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 383, 392, 395.
Homburg, Ernst, 71, 72, 465.
Hoppe, Anna, 182, 456, 457ff.
Hopper, Edward, 414, 415ff.
How, Bishop, 299, 336, 337ff.
Huguenots, 94, 142.
Hunt, Holman, 338, 339.
Hurlburt, Jesse Lyman, 446.
Huss, John, 45.
Hymn of Praise, 66.
Hymn to the Saviour, 29.
Hymnal of the Augustana Synod, 170, 457, 467.
Hymns and Sacred Poems, by John and Charles Wesley, 227.
Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Watts, 125, 308.
Hymns of Worship, 201.
Hymn-book, Wesleyan, 225.
Ichabod, 381.
Ignatius, 15.
Imitation of Christ, 250.
Ingemann, Bernhardt S., 201, 325, 468.
Inner Mission work, 453.
Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen, 89.
Invalid’s Hymn Book, 276.
Isaak, Heinrich, 89.
Isadore of Seville, 25.
Jacob of Misi, 45.
Jacobs, 141.
Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 299.
Jacobus de Benedictis, 40.
James II, King of England, 210.
Jerome, 16.
Jerusalem liturgy, 16.
Jesu Hertz-Buchlein, 82.
Jesus hymns, 75, 106, 311.
John of Damascus, 22, 23, 317.
Jonas, Justus, 47, 54, 56.
Jonassen, Soren, 187.
Joseph the Hymnographer, 23.
Judson, Adoniram, 389.
Julian, John, 217, 266.
Justina, Empress, 26.
Kaisermarsch, 49.
Kant, Immanuel, 141.
Karl XI, King of Sweden, 156.
Karl XIV, King of Sweden, 162.
Karl XV, King of Sweden, 179, 180.
Keble, John, 278, 279ff, 305, 319.
Keble of America, 409.
Kempis, Thomas à, 250.
Ken, Bishop Thomas, 208, 209ff, 215, 242.
Key, Francis Scott, 362, 363ff, 372.
King James, 242.
King and Queen of Chorales, 65ff.
Kingo, Thomas, 184, 185ff, 197, 199, 200, 206, 468.
Kirke-Salmebog, 205.
Kjellstrand, A. W., 467.
Klopstock, Friedrich G., 136.
Klug, Joseph, 47.
Knapp, Albert, 79, 101, 136, 144, 167.
Kolmodin, Israel, 155.
Krauth, Charles Porterfield, 464.
Kretzmann, Paul E., 465f.
Kripplein Christi, 62.
Krummacher, Friedrich A., 145.
Lagerlöf, Petrus, 15.
Lalla Rookh, 260.
Landstad, Magnus B., 183, 202, 203ff, 468.
Läsare, 181.
Lathbury, Mary, 297, 444, 445ff.
Latin Hymnody, 25ff, 45, 155.
Laurentii, Laurentius, 108.
Laurini, M. Laurentii, 173.
Lauxmann, 36.
Legends of the Old Testament, 325.
Leipzig, Battle of, 79.
Lehmann, W. H., 470.
Les Huguenots, 49.
Lessing, 136, 137.
Leuthen, Battle of, 82.
Lind, Jenny, 179, 404.
Lion of the North, 78.
Lives of the Saints, 325.
Livingstone, David, 302.
Lobwasser, Ambrosius, 94.
Longfellow, H. W., 29, 73, 161, 383.
Louis, King of France, 38.
Loy, Matthias, 465.
Ludaemilia Elizabeth, 46.
Luke, Jemima, 300, 301ff.
Lürsen, Sylvester, 96.
Luther, Martin, 28, 29, 37, 42-51, 53-57, 65, 70, 82, 85, 104, 136, 149-151, 206, 209, 225, 228, 243, 308, 313, 403.
Lutheran chorale, 120.
Lutheran martyrs, 46.
Lützen, battle of, 77, 78, 79.
Lyra Germanica, 308.
Lyte, Henry Francis, 183, 271, 290, 291ff.
Mabillon, 25.
Macao, 334.
Macaulay, 211, 273.
Maccall, William, 174.
Magdeberg, J., 63.
Malan, Caesar, 277.
Marriot, John, 183, 273.
Martyrs, Poet of, 29.
Maronite Christians, 22.
Marot, Clement, 93, 94.
Marseillaise of the Reformation, 48.
Mason, Lowell, 271, 384, 385.
Mathesius, Johannes, 56.
Matheson, George, 340, 341ff.
Mattes, John Caspar, 465.
Maurus, Rhabanus, 35.
Maximilian, Emperor, 89.
McKinley, William, 299.
Mearnes, James, 132.
Medley, Samuel, 247.
Melanchthon, Philip, 49, 55, 59, 63, 70.
Mendelssohn, 48, 66.
Mentzer, Johann, 114.
Methodism, 225ff.
Methodist Hymnal, 369, 454.
Meyerbeer, 48.
Meyfart, Johann, 73.
Miller, Emily Huntington, 430, 431ff.
Miller, Samuel M., 469.
Mirror of Joy, 66, 67.
Missionary bishop of America, 377.
Missionary hymn, 271.
Modern missionary movement, 264, 265, 389.
Moffatt, Robert, 302.
Mohr, Joseph, 132, 133, 183.
Mohnike, 167.
Moments on the Mount, 343.
Montgomery, James, 129, 262, 263ff, 302.
Monica, 27.
Moody, Dwight, 276, 439, 441.
Moore, Thomas, 258, 259ff.
Moravian hymnody, 100, 114, 127ff, 144, 145.
Moravian movement, 119.
Moravians, 114, 124, 127ff, 228, 263, 265.
Morgan, G. Campbell, 447.
Morning Hymns, 201.
Moule, Bishop, 256.
Mozart, 89, 120.
Muhlenberg, Frederick A., 371.
Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior, 371.
Muhlenberg, Peter, 371.
Muhlenberg, William, 364, 370, 371ff.
Munter, Balthasar, 136, 139.
Münster Gesangbuch, 130, 132.
Mysticism, 99, 100, 124.
Napoleon, 141, 145.
Napoleonic wars, 141, 205.
National apostasy, 281.
Neale, John Mason, 23, 316, 317ff.
Neander, Joachim, 92, 93ff, 183, 308.
Neander’s cave, 96.
Nelson, Augustus, 467.
Nettleton, Dr., 355.
Neumann, Caspar, 90, 91.
Neumark, Georg, 90.
Neumeister, Erdmann, 117ff.
Newman, John, 281, 284, 285ff.
New Testament fragments, 14, 15.
New Theology, 164, 197, 198.
Newton, John, 248, 249ff, 253.
Nicolai, Philipp, 49, 63, 64, 65ff, 203.
Ninde, Edward S., 350, 375.
Nitschmann, David, 128.
North, Frank Mason, 452, 453ff.
Nyström, Per O., 169, 179, 467.
Oldest Christian hymn, 18.
Old Hundredth, 94.
Olearius, Johannes, 71, 72.
Olivet, 385.
Olney Hymns, 250, 253, 254.
Olson, Ernst W., 152, 466.
Olsson, Olof, 467.
Order of Grain of Mustard Seed, 127.
Origen, 16, 19.
Ortonville, 360.
Our Master, 381.
Oxford Movement, 281, 285, 288, 319, 320.
Oxford University, 226.
Palestrina, 120.
Palmblätter, 145.
Palmer, Ray, 39, 255, 375, 382, 383ff.
Pantaenus, 19.
Parliament of Religions, 287.
Passion chorale, 36.
Passion music, Bach’s, 120.
Patriarch of American Lutheran church, 371.
Paulsen, P. C., 468.
Pawels, 468.
Penn colony, 463.
Perronet, Edward, 238, 239ff, 416.
Petri, Laurentius, 149ff.
Peterson, Victor O., 466f.
Petri, Olavus, 148, 149ff, 466.
Pfeil, Baron Christoph C. L. von, 113.
Pietisten, 181.
Pietistic hymnology, 75, 103ff, 111, 112, 119.
Pietistic movement, 103ff, 119, 127, 135, 141, 191, 229, 265.
Pietists of Sweden, 177ff.
Pilgrim’s Hut, 124.
Pliny, 14.
Plütschau, 104, 265.
Plymouth, 347.
Poet of Christmas, 191, 192.
Poet of Easter-tide, 185.
Poet of Whitsuntide, 197.
Pontoppidan, Erik, 193.
Praxis Pietatis Melica, 86.
Prentiss, Elizabeth, 297, 410, 411ff.
Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens, 29.
Priscilla, 347, 384.
Psalm book, Swedish, 28, 155, 161-64, 167, 169, 173, 175, 182, 183, 433.
Psalm Book for Church and Private Devotion, 201.
Psalmody, 93, 209, 213, 215, 347ff.
Psalms of David, Watts’, 216, 245.
Psalter und Harfe, 143.
Puritan movement, 103, 347-350, 368, 429.
Pusey, Dr., 280.
Quaker poet, 378, 379ff.
Queen of chorales, 65, 66, 67.
Quirsfeld, Johann, 74.
Raff, 49.
Rambach, Johann J., 107, 108, 464.
Rationalism, 135ff, 141, 163, 164, 173, 175, 197.
Redner, Lewis H., 428.
Reformation, Hymn-writers of, 53ff.
Reformation symphony, 48.
Reformed hymnody, 93, 94, 123ff, 183, 209, 215ff, 347ff.
Renaissance, Spiritual, 141ff, 177, 191.
Reynolds, William R., 28.
Revolutionary war, 350.
Richter, Christian, 109.
Ringwalt, B., 61.
Rinkart, Martin, 80-83, 308.
Rise of Latin hymnody, 25.
Rist, Johann, 90.
Robinson, Dr., 320.
Rohr, A. F., 469.
Rosenius, Carl O., 177, 179ff, 466.
Rosenroth, Christian K. von, 74.
Rostock hymn-book, 56.
Rothe, Johann A., 113.
Runeberg, Johan Ludvig, 183.
Ruskin, 339.
Rudman, Andreas, 463.
Rutilius, Martin, 63.
Rutström, 467.
Rygh, George, T., 468.
Sacred Songs, Moore’s, 260.
Sandel, Andreas, 463.
Sandell, Lina (See Berg).
Sanden, O. T., 468.
Sankey, Ira D., 441.
Saxony, Duke of, 77.
Scandinavian hymnody, 147ff.
Schaeffer, Charles William, 464.
Schaff, Philip, 36, 43.
Schalling, Martin, 63.
Scheffler, 98ff, 111, 229.
Schenck, Heinrich, 75, 465.
Schiller, Friedrich von, 88, 136.
Schirmer, Michael, 90.
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 141.
Schmolck, Benjamin, 116ff, 123, 308, 311.
Schrader, Johan Herman, 191.
Schubert, 120, 225.
Schwartz, Christian, 36, 37.
Schuette, Conrad H. L., 465.
Scott, E. P., 240.
Scott, George, 177, 180, 181.
Scott, Sir Walter, 39, 269.
Scott, Thomas, 251.
Scriver, Christian, 108.
Sears, Edmund H., 394ff.
Sedan, Battle of, 82.
Seelenschatz, 108, 109.
Seiss, Joseph A., 132, 464.
Selah Song Book, 461.
Selnecker, Nicolaus, 58ff, 136, 465.
Semler, Johann, 135.
Severus, 29.
Syriac hymns, 16, 19, 21.
Shakespeare, 189.
Sheffield Iris, 264.
Sigismund, King of Poland, 62.
Silesius, Angelus, 99.
Skara, Bishopric of, 157.
Smedby, O. H., 468.
Smith, Samuel Francis, 388ff.
Snowbound, 381.
Snow King, 78.
Social service, 453.
Söderberg, Erik N., 156, 183, 466.
Solberg, C. K., 468.
Songs by the Way, 376.
Songs of Tears, 70.
Songs of the Church Year, 457.
Spaeth, Harriet Krauth, 464.
Spanish hymnist, 29.
Spectator, The, 211ff.
Spegel, Haqvin, 155ff, 467.
Spener, Philipp J., 103.
Speratus, Paul, 47, 54.
Spiritual Songs, Kingo’s, 185, 186.
Spitta, Carl J. P., 140ff, 309.
St. Louis, 428.
St. Paul, Overture to, 66.
St. Sabas, 23, 318.
Star Spangled Banner, 363ff, 372.
Stead, William T., 286.
Steele, Anne, 244.
Stegmann, Josua, 72, 73.
Stennett, Samuel, 247, 351.
Stephen the Sabaite, 23, 318, 319.
Stepping Heavenward, 412.
Sternberg, 127, 328.
Sternhold and Hopkins, 216, 347.
Stillen im Lande, 124.
Stockholm massacre, 149.
Strengnäs, Bishop of, 149.
Stowe, Calvin E., 400, 402.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 297, 380, 398ff.
Sufis, 100.
Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour, 232.
Sutherland, Allan, 231.
Svebilius, Archbishop, 156.
Swan song, Brorson’s, 191, 193.
Swan song of Gustavus Adolphus, 76.
Swedberg, Jesper, 154ff.
Swedberg’s Psalm-book, 155, 156.
Swedish Church-book, 152.
Swedish Hymns or Songs, 150.
Swedish Nightingale, 404.
Swedish reformers, 149ff.
Te Deum, Lutheran, 81.
Tennyson, Alfred, 269.
Tersteegen, Gerhard, 122ff, 229, 309.
Tertullian, 16.
Teschner, Melchior, 63.
Thackeray, 270.
Thanatopsis, 367.
The Black Knights, 201.
The Christian Year, Keble’s, 279ff, 305, 319.
The Eternal Goodness, 381.
The Lost Chord, 324.
Theodosius, 27.
Theodulph of Orleans, 35.
Thirty Years’ War, 61, 69ff, 77, 81ff, 85, 90, 103.
Thomas of Celano, 39.
Tilly, 49, 73, 77.
Topelius, Zacharias, 183.
Toplady, Augustus, 232ff, 351, 360.
Trabert, George H., 467.
Tracts for the Times, 281.
Trajan, 14.
Trench, Archbishop, 29.
Treuer Wächter Israel, 70.
Turkish invasion, 53.
Tyng, Dudley A., 419.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 399, 402ff.
Under-Eyck, Theodore, 95, 97.
Unitarian hymnal, 369.
Unitarian movement, 429.
Uppsala, Archbishop of, 150, 162.
Uppsala, Cathedral of, 156.
Uppsala, University of, 158, 161, 180.
VanAlstyne, Frances Jane (See Fanny Crosby).
Vasco da Gama, 334.
Victoria, Queen, 314, 337.
Vig, 468.
Village Hymns, 355.
Vincent, John H., 445, 446.
Voes, Heinrich, 46.
Wackernagel, 167.
Wagner, 49.
Wallenstein, 69, 77, 78.
Wallin, Archbishop Johan Olof, 29, 160ff, 169, 172, 173, 175, 182, 183, 466ff.
Walther, John, 44.
Walton, Isaac, 210.
Warner, Anna B., 297, 422ff.
Warner, Susan, 423ff.
Waterston, R. C., 368.
Watts, Isaac, 213ff, 222, 225, 229, 230, 233, 245, 263, 294, 349, 350, 351, 368, 437.
Wayfaring Hymns, 424.
Webb, George J., 420.
Webster, Daniel, 381.
Weiss, 167.
Weissel, George, 71, 72.
Wesley, Charles, 224ff, 263, 294, 351, 415, 437.
Wesley family, 221.
Wesley, John, 104, 106, 114, 125, 129, 225ff, 234, 236, 239, 240, 242, 265.
Wesley, Samuel, 215, 226.
Wesley, Susannah, 226.
Wesleyan movement, 103, 141, 177, 225ff, 241, 242, 250, 281.
Westphalia, Peace of, 74, 81, 118.
Western Church, 25ff.
Whitefield, John, 229, 236, 239, 242, 250, 349.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 378ff, 383.
Wieland, 136.
Wilberforce, Prime Minister, 129.
Wilhelm II, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 71, 73, 90.
William III, 210.
William of Orange, 210.
Williams, John, 242, 243.
Willis, Richard Storrs, 131.
Winkworth, Catherine, 87, 298, 307, 308.
Wolff, Christian, 135.
Woltersdorf, Ernst G., 109, 111.
Wrangel, General, 74.
Württemberg hymnists, 111ff.
Ziegenbalg, Bartholomew, 104, 265.
Zinzendorf, Count von, 100, 114, 126, 127ff, 229, 308, 328.
Zwingli, 93.
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