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Adam, the Second, 1 Cor. 15. 45, 47, Advocate, an, 1 John 2.1.

Alpha and Omega, Rev. 1. 8; 22; 13. Amen, Rev. 3.14.                                  * s

Author and Finisher of our faith, Heb: 12. 2. Author of eternal salvation, Heb. 5. 9.

Beginning of the creation of God, Rev. 3.14. Blessed and only Potentate, 1 Tim. 6.15. Branch, Zech. 3. 8; 6.12. Bread of God, John 6. 33. Bread of Life, John 6. 35.

Captain of Salvation, Heb. 2.10.

Child, Holy, Acts 4; 27. Child, Little, Isa. 11. 6.

Christ, the, Matt. 16.16; Mark 8. 29; Luke 9. 20:

John 6. 69.

Corner-stone, Eph. 2. 20; 1 Pet. 2. 6. Counsellor, Isa. 9. 6.

David, Jer. 30. 9; Ezek. 34. 23; 37. 24; Hos. 3. 5. David, Son of, Matt. 9. 27; 21. 9. Day-spring, Luke 1. 78. Deliverer, Rom. 11. 26. Desire of all nations, Hag. 2. 7.

Emmanuel, Isa. 7.14; Matt. 1. 23. Everlasting Father, Isa. 9. 6.

Faithful witness, Rev. 1. 5; 3.14. First and Last, Rev. 1.17.

7 First-begotten of the dead, Rev. 1. 5.

God, Isa. 40. 9; John 20. 28; 1 John 5. 20.

God blessed for ever, Rom. 9. 5.

Good Shepherd, John 10.11.

Governor, Matt. 2. 6.

Great High Priest, Heb. 4.14.

High Priest, Heb. 5.10.

Holy child Jesus, Acts 4. 27. Holy, the most, Dan. 9. 24.

Holy One, Luke 4. 34; Acts 3.14; Rev. 3, 7.

10 Holy Thing, Luke 1. 35. Horn of Salvation, Luke 1. 69.

I AM, Ex. 3.14, with John 8. 58. Image of God, 2 Cor. 4. 4.

Jehovah, Isa. 26. 4.

Jesus, Matt. 1. 21; 1 Thess. 1.10.

HJust One, Acts 3.14; 1. 52; 22. 14.

King of Israel, John 1. 49.

King of the Jews, Matt. 2. 2.

Xinflr of Icings, 1 Tim. 6.15; Rev. 17.14; 19.16.

Lamb of God, John 1.29, 36.

Lawgiver. Isa. 33. 22.

Life, the, John 14. 6.

Life, Bread of, John 6. 35.

Light of the world, John 8.12; 9. 5.

Light, True, John 1. 9; 12. 35.

Lion of the tribe ofJudah, Rev. 5. 5. Living stone, 1 Pet; 2. 4. Lord, Matt. 3. 3; Mark 11. 3. Lord God, Almighty, Rev; 15.3; 12 — of Holy Prophets, Rev. 22. 6. Lord of all, Acts 10r36. Lord of Glory, 1 Cor. 2. 8. Lord of lords, 1 Tim. 6.15; Rev. 17.14; 19.16. Lord our Bighteousness, Jer. 23. 6.

Maker and Preserver of all things, John 1. 3, 10;

1 Cot. 8. 6; Col. 1.16; Heb. 1. 2,10; Rev. 4.11. Mediator, 1 Tim. 2. 5.

13 Mediator of the new covenant, Hefa. 12. 24. Messiah, Dan. 9. 25; John 1. 41.

Mighty God, Isa. 9. 6.

Mighty One of Jacob, Isa. 60.16.

Morning star, Rev. 22.16.

Nazarene, Matt; 2. 23.

Passover, Our, 1 Cor. 5. 7. Priest for ever, Heb. 5. 6. Prince, Acts 5. 31. Prince of Life; Acts 3.15. Prince of Peace, Isa. 9. 6;

14 prince of the Mngs of the earth, Rev. 1. 5. Prophet, Deut. 18.15; Luke 24.19.

Redeemer; Job 19. 25; Isa. 59. 20.

Righteous, the, 1 John 2.1.

Boot and offspring of David, Rev. 22.16.

Boot of David, Rev. 5. 5.

Buler in Israel, Mic. 5. 2.

Same yesterday, to day, and for ever, Heb. 13. 8. Saviour, Luke 2.11; Acts 5. 31. Shepherd and Bishop of souls, 1 Pet. 2. 25. Shepherd in the land, Zech. 11.16. Shepherd of the sheep, Great, Heb. 13. 20. Shiloh, Gen. 49.10. Son, a, Heb. 3. 6.

15 Son, My beloved, Matt. 3.17; 17. 5; Luke 9. 35. Son of David, Matt. 9. 27; 21. 9.

Son of God, Matt. 8. 29; Luke 1. 35.

Son of Man, Matt. 8. 20; John 1. 51; Acts 7. 56.

lQSon of the Highest, Luke 1. 32.

Son, Only-begotten, John 1; 14,18; 3.16,18.

Son, the, Ps. 2.12.

Star and Sceptre, Num. 24.17.

W Star, bright and mornings Rev. 22.16.

Truth, the, John 14. 6.

Vine, the, John 15. 5. Vine, true, John 15.1.

Way, John 14. 6.

Witness, faithful and true, Rev. 3.14.

Wonderful, Isa. 9. 6.

Word, John 1.1.

Word of God, Rev. 19.13.

K.B.—In the Kevised New Testament, 1881 > the lines to which figures are prefixed

are given as follows :—

1 The Alpha and the Omega. 2 Author and Perfecter. 3 Author of Salvation. 4 Holy Servant. 5 The Holy One of God (John 6. 69). 6 Immanuel. 7 Firstborn. 8 Holy Servant Jesus. 9 Holy and Righteous One (Acts 3. 14) • He that is holy (Rev. 3. 7). 10 (In margin only.) 11 Bighteous One. 12 The Lord, the God of the Spirits of the Prophets. 13 Mediator of a new covenant. 1± Buler of the kings of the earth. 15 My Son, My chosen (Luke 9. 35). 16 Son of the Most High, 17 The bright, the morning Star.

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