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I. JOHN. The tract called the First Epistle of John seems rather to partake of the nature of a doctrinal discourse, addressed to believers generally, but more particularly to Gentiles in Asia Minor, probably in the neighbourhood of its chief city, Ephesus.

Its date is uncertain. Some place it before the destruction of Jerusalem, others towards the end of the first century, thinking it bears marks of combating the Gnostic heresy. Its aim seems to be to establish the true doctrine concerning the Person of Christ, as to His Divine and human nature, and that true communion with Him necessitates a holy life. The chief grace inculcated in this and the two following Epistles is love.

Summary. I. The true nature of fellowship with God, who is Light and Love, requiring purity and holiness (i.–ii. 27). II. The blessings and duties of sonship. The privilege of adoption demands the corresponding duty of conformity to Christ, the true Son (iii.–iv. 6). III. The essential bond of fellowship and sonship is love, both to the Father and to one another (iv. 7–v. 18).

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