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Abana, the river . . . 74
Abarim, event connected with . . . 73
Aborigines, the, East and West of the Jordan . . . 75
Abrahamic tribes . . . 75
Abram . . . 39, 75
Accho . . . 70
Achaia . . . 67
Acts, the, of the Apostles, written by Luke; analysis of . . . 57
"Addenda," the . . . 15
Adramyttium . . . 68
Ahasuerus, who he was . . . 16
Aijeleth Shachar . . . 18
Akaba . . . 69, 75
Akka . . . 70
Alamoth . . . 18
Alexandrine Church, the, reputed founder of . . . 56
Alexandrine MS. . . . 55
Altar, the, offerings for . . . 12
Al-taschith . . . 18
Amalekites . . . 75
Amittai . . . 22
Ammon . . . 75
Amorites . . . 75
Amos, the prophet; summary of the book of . . . 23
Amphilochius—imprimatur to his Catalogue . . . 8
Amphipolis . . . 67
Anakim . . . 75
Analysis of Acts of the Apostles . . . 57
Anathoth . . . 20, 73
Animal offerings . . . 12
Animals named in the Bible . . . 76
Antioch in Pisidia . . . 67
Antioch in Syria . . . 67
Antipas, the martyr . . . 62
Antiquities, Customs, &c., Glossary of . . . 117
Apocalypse . . . 62
Apocrypha, Notes on . . . 27
Apocryphal Books, the . . . 8
Apollonia . . . 67
Apollos . . . 67
Appearances of Christ after His resurrection . . . 44, 66
Appii Forum . . . 68
Aquatic Animals . . . 82
Aquila . . . 67
Arabian Desert . . . 75
Aramaic Desert . . . 75
Aram, Wilderness of . . . 69
Aram-Damesk . . . 69
Aram-Naharaim . . . 69
Aramoea, its divisions . . . 69
Ararat, event connected with . . . 73
Aristarchus . . . 68
Arkites . . . 75
Arnon, the river; for what notable . . . 69, 74
Arvadites . . . 75
Asphaltites, Lake . . . 70
Assos . . . 67
Athens . . . 67
Atlas, Index to Scripture . . . 385
Atonement, the Day of . . . 12
Baalism . . . 39, 118
Babylon . . . 75, 130
Baptist, the, mission of . . . 63
Barada, the . . . 69, 74
Barnabas . . . 67
Bashan . . . 73
Batlanim, the . . . 35
Beer-sheba . . . 71
Berechiah . . . 25
Beroea . . . 67
Bethany . . . 71
Beth-el . . . 71
Bethlehem . . . 72
Bethsaida . . . 70
Beza's MS. . . . 55
Bezer . . . 73
Bible, the, its title and divisions . . . 7
Bible version of the Psalms . . . 17
Birds of Palestine . . . 84
Bithynia . . . 67
Books of the Old Testament . . . 7
Books of the New Testament . . . 55
Burnt offerings . . . 12
Buzi . . . 21
Cæsarea . . . 68, 70
Cæsarea Philippi . . . 71
Canaan . . . 75
Canaanites . . . 75
Canon, the, of Scripture . . . 8
Canonical Books . . . 8
Canticles . . . 18
Capernaum . . . 70
Capitula . . . 8
Captivity, the, miracles during . . . 40
Carmel, event connected with . . . 73
Catalogues of Canonical Books . . . 8
Catherine de Medicis . . . 55
Catholic Epistles, the . . . 56, 61
Cenchrea . . . 67
Chazan . . . 36
Chebar, for what notable . . . 74
Cherith . . . 74
Chinneroth . . . 74
Chorazin . . . 71
Christ—His first appearance; first public preaching; first general circuit; divinity of; second year's ministry . . . 63
    second and third general circuit; third year's ministry . . . 64
    appearances after His resurrection . . . 66
    names, titles, and offices of (see also Bible Index) . . . 43
Christian Canon, the . . . 8
Chronicles, the, books of; their contents . . . 15
Chronology of Old Testament . . . 36
        "         of the Acts and Epistles (supposed) . . . 37
Cilicia . . . 67
Cities, Levitical . . . 73
    "     of Refuge . . . 73
Clauda . . . 68
Cnidus . . . 68
Colosse, Church of . . . 59
Colossians, the, Epistle to, its features; summary of . . . 59
Concordance . . . 193
Constitutional divisions of the New Testament . . . 56
Corinth . . . 58, 67
Corinthians, the, Epistles to; summaries of . . . 58
Council, the, of the Church and People . . . 35
Crete, 68; Church in, not known when founded . . . 61
Cursive MSS. . . . 55
Cyaxares . . . 24
Cyprus . . . 67, 68
Cyril Lucar . . . 55
Cyrus, decree of . . . 25
Damascus . . . 70
Daniel and Mordecai compared . . . 16
Daniel, book of, why excluded from "the prophets" . . . 7
Daniel, his history; contents of book of . . . 21, 22
Dead Sea, the . . . 70
Decapolis . . . 71
Dedication, feast of the . . . 12, 64
Dedications to the Psalms . . . 18
Degrees . . . 18
Demetrius . . . 58, 62
Derbe . . . 67
Deuteronomy, book of; characteristic features . . . 11, 13
Diaries, the . . . 15
Dictionary of Scripture proper names . . . 353
Didactic division of New Testament . . . 56, 57
Divided Monarchy . . . 37
Divinity of Christ . . . 63
Divisions of the Bible, 7; of the English Bible, 8; of the New Testament . . . 56
Domitian . . . 62
Dragomans . . . 36
Ebal, for what notable . . . 73
Ecclesiastes, book of, its authorship and canonicity . . . 19
Edomites . . . 75
Egypt, miracles in . . . 40
    "     river and stream of . . . 74
Elijah, miracles by . . . 40
Elisha, miracles by . . . 40
Elkosh . . . 24
Elymas . . . 67
Emim . . . 75
English Bible, the, divisions of . . . 8
Ephesians, the, Epistle to; summary of . . . 59
Ephesus, 59, 67; message to Church at . . . 62
Ephrem's MS.   . . . 55
Esdraëlon . . . 69
Esdras . . . 15
Essenes, the, described . . . 34
Esther, the book of . . . 16
Ethnology . . . 75
Ethnological summary . . . 75
Euphrates, how distinguished . . . 74
Exodus, book of, distinctive characteristic . . . 11, 12
Ezekiel, book of . . . 21
Ezra, book of, its author and contents . . . 15
Ezra, Sanhedrin revived by . . . 35
Fair Havens . . . 68
Fasts . . . 12
Feasts . . . 12
Felix . . . 68
Festivals—weekly and monthly . . . 12
First line of each Psalm, Alphabetical Table of . . . 46
Fisheries of Palestine . . . 82
Forty days, the great . . . 66
Gad, the seer . . . 15
Gaius, the wellbeloved . . . 62, 67
Galatia . . . 59, 67
Galatians, the, Epistle to, its leading features; summary of . . . 59
Galilæans, the sect described . . . 34
Gallio . . . 67
Gath-hepher . . . 22
Gemara, the . . . 35
Genealogical Table from Adam to Jacob . . . 37
Genesis, the book of, its general contents and subject . . . 11, 12
Gennesaret . . . 71
        "         remarkable events connected with . . . 74
Geography of Palestine . . . 68
Geology of Bible Lands . . . 108
Gerizim, for what notable . . . 73
Geshurites . . . 75
Gihon . . . 74
Gilboa, for what notable . . . 73
Gilead, for what remarkable . . . 73
Girgashites . . . 75
Gittith . . . 18
Glossary of Antiquities, Customs, &c.   . . . 117
God . . . (Bible Index) 157
Gospels, the, one under four aspects, 56 (see also Bible Index); harmony of . . . 63
"Great Day of the Feast" . . . 12
Great Sea . . . 74
Greece, Paul's stay in . . . 67
Habakkuk, the prophet; book of, summarised . . . 24
Habor . . . 74
Haggai, the prophet; book of . . . 25
Hamathites . . . 75
Haphtaroth . . . 7
Haran . . . 39
Harmony of the Gospels . . . 63
Headings of the Psalms . . . 17
Hebrews, the, Epistle to—its author and characteristics; summary of . . . 60
Hebron . . . 72
Hermon, for what notable . . . 73
Herodians, the sect described . . . 34
Herods, family of the . . . 33
Hiddekel . . . 74
Higgaion . . . 18
Hilkiah . . . 20
Historical Books, the . . . 13
Historical divisions of the New Testament . . . 56
Historical Summary . . . 39
Hittites . . . 75
Hivites . . . 75
Holy Ghost, the . . .           (Bible Index) 160
Hor . . . 73
Horeb . . . 73
Horim . . . 75
Hosea, book of, its author and divisions . . . 23
Hugo, cardinal, his division into Capitula (our Chapters) . . . 8
Hyrcanus . . . 34, 35
Iconium . . . 67
Iddo . . . 25
Idumæa . . . 75
Index to Holy Bible . . . 131
Index to Scripture Atlas . . . 385
Inscriptions to the Psalms . . . 18
Insects of Scripture . . . 91
Instruments of Percussion . . . 114
Interval between the Old and New Testaments, Historical Summary . . . 30
Isaiah, his descent; book of . . . 20
    "     miracles recorded by . . . 40
Ishmaelites . . . 75
Itinerary of the Journeyings of the Israelites . . . 38
Jabbok, the river . . . 69, 74
James the Less, his Epistle; summary of . . . 61
Jason . . . 67
Jebusites . . . 75
Jeremiah, the prophet; his prophecies arranged in subjects . . . 20
Jericho . . . 72
    "     the. of the New Testament . . . 72
Jeroboam II.   . . . 23
Jerome quoted . . . 8
Jerusalem . . . 68, 72
Jewish Calendar—the Year . . . 116
Jewish Canon, the . . . 8
Jewish Sects, Parties, &c.   . . . 34
Job, a real person . . . 16
Job, book of, its antiquity and contents . . . 16
Joel, book of, contents summarised . . . 23
  "   history of . . . 23
John, characteristics of his Gospel . . . 57
  "   Epistles of, their characteristics; summaries of . . . 62
  "   at Patmos . . . 62
John Mark . . . 67
John the Baptist, mission of . . . 63
Jonah, book of, the author and subject . . . 22
Jonas . . . 61
Jonath-elem-rechokim . . . 18
Joppa . . . 70
Jordan, the . . . 69
    "     events connected with . . . 74
Josephus on the Canonical Books . . . 8
Joshua, book of, its contents; typical aspect, where pointed out . . . 13
Joshua, miracles of . . . 40
Joshua, the high priest . . . 25
Journeyings of the Israelites, Itinerary of . . . 38
Jubilee . . . 12
Jude, Epistle of, for what remarkable . . . 62
Judges, book of, period comprised therein; authorship; relation to the Pentateuch . . . 13
Julius, a centurion . . . 68
Kanah, the river . . . 74
Kethubim . . . 7
Keturah, children of . . . 75
Kings, books of the, contents of . . . 14
Kings, the, miracles under . . . 40
Kishon, the river . . . 69, 74
Korbān . . . 12
Lakes of Palestine . . . 70
    "     of Scripture . . . 74
Lamentations of Jeremiah . . . 20
Langton, Archbishop, referred to . . . 8
Laodicea, message to the Church at . . . 62
Last Passover, the . . . 65
"Law," the, what it embraced, and how divided . . . 7
Lebanon . . . 73
Legate, or Apostle . . . 35
Leontes, the . . . 69
Levi . . . 56
Levitical cities . . . 73
Leviticus, book of . . . 11, 12
Libraries, various, in which MSS. of the Bible are to be found . . . 55
List of Quotations from the Old Testament in the New Testament . . . 47
Lot . . . 75
Luke, peculiar independence of his Gospel . . . 57
Lydia . . . 67
Lystra . . . 67
Macedonia . . . 67
Magdala . . . 71
Mahalath . . . 18
Malachi, the last of the prophets; his prophecies summarised . . . 26
Malta . . . 68
Mammalia . . . 81
Mamre . . . 72
Manasses . . . 35
Maps . . . 393
Mark, brief notice of; contents of his Gospel . . . 56
Maschil . . . 18
Masoretes, the . . . 8
Matthew, his Gospel; summary of . . . 56
Meanings of Scripture proper names . . . 353
Measures, liquid and dry (see also Index) . . . 115
Meat offerings . . . 12
Melita . . . 68
Merom . . . 70, 74
Messiah, the, true character of, attested . . . 56
Metals . . . 109
Meturgeman . . . 36
Micah, the prophet; contents of the book of . . . 23, 24
Michtam . . . 18
Midianites . . . 75
Miletus . . . 67
Minerals . . . 108
Miracles in the Old Testament—in Egypt; in the wilderness; in Canaan under Joshua; under the kings; by Elijah; by Elisha; recorded by Isaiah; during the captivity; miscellaneous . . . 40
Miracles of Our Lord . . . 41
Mishna, the . . . 35
Mission of the Baptist . . . 63
Missionary journeys of Paul—with Barnabas and John; with Silas; Timothy . . . 67
Mitylene . . . 67
Mizraim . . . 75
Mnason . . . 68
Moab . . . 75
Money, Jewish . . . 116
      "       Roman . . . 116
Monthly Festival, the . . . 12
Mordecai, conduct of, compared with that of Daniel . . . 16
Moriah . . . 73
Mountains of Palestine . . . 69
        "        of Scripture, events connected with . . . 73
Music and Musical Instruments . . . 112
Muth-labban . . . 18
Myra . . . 68
Mysia . . . 67
Nahum, notice of; his prophecy . . . 24
Names, titles, and offices of Christ . . . 43
Nazareth . . . 71
Nazarites, the sect described . . . 34
Neapolis . . . 67
Nebo, for what celebrated . . . 73
Neginoth . . . 18
Nehemiah, the prophet; book of, its contents . . . 15
Nehiloth . . . 18
New Covenant, the . . . 7, 55
New moon, the, feast of . . . 12
New Testament, the, Notes on the early MSS. of . . . 55
New Testament, references in, to incidents recorded in Old Testament . . . 53
Nineveh, its site . . . 75
Notes on the New Testament . . . 55
Numbers, the book of, its contents . . . 11, 12
Obadiah, the prophet; book of . . . 25
Oblation (see also Bible Index) . . . 12
Offerings—the general name; for the altar; laws for . . . 12
Old Testament, the; first notice of, as a distinct compilation; preservation of . . . 7, 8
Old Testament, miracles in the . . . 40
          "           parables in the . . . 41
          "           references to, not being exact quotations . . . 57
Olivet, notable events at . . . 73
Onesimus . . . 61
Origen . . . 55
Orontes, the . . . 69
Padan-Aram . . . 69
Palestine, geography of . . . 68
      "       chief towns of . . . 70
Paphos . . . 67
Papias quoted . . . 55
Parables in the Old Testament . . . 41
      "       of Our Lord . . . 42
Parabolic fables . . . 41
Paralipomena . . . 15
Parisian Imperial MS.   . . . 55
Parnas . . . 35
Parshioth, portions of "the law" . . . 7
Passover, the . . . 12, 65
Pastoral Epistles, the . . . 60
Patara . . . 67
Patmos, the apostle John at . . . 62
Paul's missionary journeys . . . 67
    "     voyage to Rome . . . 68
Pauline Epistles, the . . . 57
Peace offerings . . . 12
Pentateuch, the, what it embraced, and how divided . . . 7, 10
Pentecost, the feast of . . . 12
Percussion Instruments . . . 114
Perga . . . 67
Pergamos, message to the Church at . . . 62
Perizzites . . . 75
Peshito . . . 55
Pesukim . . . 8
Peter, Simon . . . 61
Peter, Epistles of, summaries of . . . 61
Pethuel . . . 23
Pharpar, the . . . 74
Pharisees, the, described . . . 34
Phenice . . . 68
Philadelphia, message to the Church at . . . 62
Philemon . . . 61
Philippi . . . 59, 67
Philippians, the, Epistle to; summary of . . . 59
Philistines . . . 75
Phœnicians . . . 75
Phrygia . . . 67
Physical contour of Palestine . . . 69
Pisgah . . . 73
Pison . . . 74
Plagues, the ten, enumerated . . . 40
Plains of Palestine . . . 69
Plants of Scripture . . . 94
Plateaux of Palestine . . . 69
Poetical Books, the . . . 16
Posteriores . . . 7
Prayers, special . . . 45
Precious stones . . . 110
Priores, books so designated . . . 7
Priscilla . . . 67
Private sacrifices . . . 12
Promised Land . . . 75
Proper names, Dictionary of Scripture . . . 353
Prophecies relating to Christ . . . 44
Prophetic division of New Testament . . . 56, 62
Prophetic visions in the Revelation . . . 62
Prophetical books . . . 19
Prophets, the; books to which the appellation was given,—a distinct book; division into verses . . . 7, 8
Proselytes, the, described . . . 34
Proverbs, book of, its contents analysed . . . 18
Psalms, the book of, inscriptions to . . . 17, 18
      "       headings . . . 17
      "       table of authorship . . . 17
      "       classification . . . 18
      "       alphabetical table of first lines . . . 46
Ptolemais . . . 68, 70
Public sacrifices . . . 12
Publicans, the, described . . . 34
Publius . . . 68
Purim, feast of . . . 12
Puteoli . . . 68
Quadrupeds . . . 76
Quotations from Old Testament in New Testament, List of . . . 47
Rabbi Judah . . . 35
Ramoth-Gilead . . . 73
Recorded appearances of Christ after His resurrection . . . 44, 66
References in New Testament to incidents recorded in Old Testament . . . 53
References to Old Testament, being not exact quotations . . . 51
Refuge cities . . . 73
Rephaim . . . 75
Reptiles of Scripture . . . 88
Revelation, the book of, its divine authority; summarised; prophetic visions . . . 62
Riha, or Er Riha, the Jericho of the New Testament . . . 72
Rivers of Palestine . . . 69
    "     of Scripture . . . 74
Romans, the, Epistle to, characterised . . . 57
      "       summarised . . . 58
Rome, Paul's voyage to . . . 68
Royal and sacred places in Palestine . . . 71
Ruth, book of, a sequel to the Judges; its authorship . . . 14
Sadducees, the, described . . . 34
Salamis . . . 67
Saloniki . . . 60
Salt Sea . . . 74
Samaria . . . 72
Samaritans, the sect described . . . 35
Samothracia . . . 67
Samuel, the books of; their contents; authorship disputed . . . 14
Sanhedrin, of what it consisted . . . 35
Sardis, message to the Church at . . . 62
Saul, character of . . . 14
Saul, afterwards called Paul . . . 67, 68
Scribes, the, account of . . . 35
Scripture proper names, Dictionary of . . . 353
Scriptures, what the term includes . . . 7
Sects, Jewish . . . 34
Secundus . . . 67
Selah . . . 18
Seleucia . . . 67, 70
Sennacherib . . . 23
Sergius Paulus . . . 67
"Seven words," the . . . 66
Shechem . . . 72
Shelomoh . . . 19
Sheminith . . . 18
"Shepherd of Hermes" . . . 55
Shepherds, the . . . 35
Shiggaion . . . 18
Shiloh . . . 73
Shoshannim . . . 18
Shulamith . . . 19
Sidonians . . . 75
Sinai . . . 73
Sinaitic MS.   . . . 55
Sinites . . . 75
Sin offerings . . . 12
Sion . . . 73
Smyrna, message to the Church at . . . 62
Solomon . . . 18
Song of Solomon, its authorship . . . 18
            "             time of its composition . . . 19
Sopater of Berœa . . . 67
Special Epistle, to an individual . . . 61
Special Prayers found in Scripture . . . 45
Stringed Instruments . . . 112
Summaries of the Books of the Old Testament . . . 12
"Supplement," the . . . 15
Synagogue, the, 35; the great . . . 36
Synoptical Gospels, the . . . 56
Syracuse . . . 68
Syria, 68; chief towns of . . . 70
"Syrtes," the . . . 68
Tabernacle, the (see also Bible Index) . . . 124
Tabernacles, feast of . . . 12
Tables,—chronological, of the Old Testament, 36; of the Acts and Epistles . . . 37
      "       genealogical, from Adam to Jacob . . . 37
      "       of weights, measures, time, money . . . 115, 116
      "       of authorship of the Psalms . . . 17
Tabor . . . 73
Talmud, the; its divisions of the law . . . 7
      "       how constituted . . . 35
Tarshish, in Spain . . . 70
Temple, the . . . 72, 125
Ten Batlanim . . . 35
Thermè . . . 60
Thessalonians, the, Epistles to; summaries of . . . 60
Thessalonica . . . 60
Thyatira, message to the Church at . . . 62
Tiberias . . . 70
Timothy, the Epistles to; summaries of . . . 60, 61
Tirzah . . . 73
Tischendorf . . . 55
Titus, Epistle to, summarised . . . 61
Topography of Palestine . . . 68
Trees, flowers, and plants of Scripture . . . 94
Trespass offering . . . 12
Troas . . . 67
Trogyllium . . . 67
Trophimus . . . 67
Trumpets, feast of . . . 12
Tychicus . . . 67
Tyre . . . 68
Uncanonical Books . . . 8
Uncial MSS.   . . . 55
Ur . . . 39
Uz, founder of Damascus . . . 70
Valleys of Palestine . . . 69
Vatican MS.   . . . 55
Vegetable offerings . . . 12
Versions of Holy Scripture . . . 9, 10
Visions, prophetic, in the Revelation . . . 62
Weekly festival, the . . . 12
Weeks, feast of . . . 12
Weights and measures . . . 115
Wilderness, the, miracles in . . . 40
Wind Instruments . . . 113
Words obsolete or ambiguous . . . 127
Xenophon's description of Nineveh, referred to . . . 24
Year, Jewish . . . 116
Zared . . . 74
Zechariah, prophecy of . . . 25
Zemorites . . . 75
Zephaniah, the prophet; contents of the book of . . . 24
Zerubbabel . . . 15, 25
Zidon . . . 70
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